Package 'RchivalTag'

Title: Analyzing and Interactive Visualization of Archival Tagging Data
Description: A set of functions to generate, access and analyze standard data products from archival tagging data.
Authors: Robert K. Bauer
Maintainer: Robert K. Bauer <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 0.2.1
Built: 2025-02-21 06:17:24 UTC

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bin depth-temperature time series data


bins depth-temperature time series data to a user-defined resolution, returning the minimum, maxmium and average temperature recorded at each depth interval (bin) per sampling day. The output is comparable to that of read_PDT.

Why binning temperature data?
In case of archival tagging data, depth-temperature time series data at a given day may consist of multiple tempertaure profiles of different signatures, depending on the animal's behaviour. Slight differences in temperature profiles could impede further analyses (e.g. the estimation of the thermocline depth), if just the average profile is applied. To avoid such problmes, it is useful to calculate the average temperature at given depth intervals (bins) and thus smooth temperature profiles of a given period.

In addition, temperature at depth profiles can be interpolated and then visualized using functions interpolate_TempDepthProfiles and image_TempDepthProfiles, respectively. This faciliates the analysis of temporal changes of temperature profiles, for instance, in relation to animal behaviour (e.g. diving behaviour).


bin_TempTS(ts, res=8, verbose=FALSE)



a data.frame with columns date, Depth and Temperature


the depth interval at which temperatures should be binned.


whether the sampling dates should be indicated during the binning process (by default FALSE).


A data.frame with the columns date, MeanTemp, MinTemp, MaxTemp, bin and MeanPDT (the latter being the average of the min and maximum water temperatures). Additional columns, used to distinguish tags, may include Serial, DeployID and Ptt, depending on their availability in the original ts-data.fralme.


Robert K. Bauer


Bauer, R., F. Forget and JM. Fromentin (2015) Optimizing PAT data transmission: assessing the accuracy of temperature summary data to estimate environmental conditions. Fisheries Oceanography, 24(6): 533-539, doi:10.1111/fog.12127

See Also

read_PDT, interpolate_TempDepthProfiles, image_TempDepthProfiles


# #### example 1) run on time series data:
## step I) read sample time series data file:
DepthTempTS <- read.table(system.file("example_files/104659-Series.csv",
                                       package="RchivalTag"),header = TRUE,sep=',')
DepthTempTS$date <- as.Date(DepthTempTS$Day,"%d-%b-%Y")
# ## step Ib) bin temperature data on 10m depth bins 
# ##          to increase later estimate accuracy (see Bauer et al. 2015):
# # DepthTempTS_binned <- bin_TempTS(DepthTempTS,res=10)
# ## step II) interpolate average temperature fields (MeanTemp) from binned data:
# m <- interpolate_TempDepthProfiles(DepthTempTS)
# # m <- interpolate_PDTs(DepthTempTS_binned)
# str(m)
# m$sm
# ## step III) calculate thermal stratifcation indicators per day (and tag):
# get_thermalstrat(m, all_info = TRUE)
# get_thermalstrat(m, all_info = FALSE)
# ## step IV) plot interpolated profiles:
# image_TempDepthProfiles(m$station.1)

Classifying the time period of the day


Classifying the time period of the day based on the timing of sunrise, sunset (and twilight events) or alternatively, geolocation estimates, as specified in get_DayTimeLimits, that allow their internal estimation during the function call.


classify_DayTime(pos, twilight.set="ast")



A data.frame pos with the columns sunrise, sunset, dawn.ast,/dawn.naut and dawn.ast/dawn.naut in POSIXct-format. Note that the expected twilight vector (suffix "ast" for astronomical dawn and dusks; vs suffix "naut" for nautical twilight events) is defined by the function's second argument twilight.set (see description below).


character string, indicating the type of twilight used for the long daytime classifcation: "ast" (default) for astronomical and "naut" for nautical twilight events with sun angles of 18 vs 12 below the horizon, respectvely. Corresponding (expected) dawn and dusk vector names are dawn.ast & dusk.ast vs dawn.naut & dusk.naut).


The input data.frame pos extended by the time vectors daytime and daytime.long. In the former case, "Day" and "Night" periods are distinguished. In the latter case, "Day", "Night", "Dawn" and "Dusk".


Robert K. Bauer


Meeus, J. (1991) Astronomical Algorithms. Willmann-Bell, Inc.

See Also

sunriset, crepuscule, get_DayTimeLimits


#### example 1) estimate current times of dawn, sunrise, dusk and sunset in Mainz, Germany:
pos <- data.frame(Lat=8.2667, Lon=50)
pos$datetime <- strptime(Sys.Date(),"%Y-%m-%d")

#### example 1b) classify current ime of the day in Mainz, Germany:

## convert 1c) back-to-back histogram showing day vs night TAD frequencies:
### load sample depth and temperature time series data from miniPAT:
ts_file <- system.file("example_files/104659-Series.csv",package="RchivalTag")
ts_df <- read.table(ts_file, header = TRUE, sep = ",")
tad_breaks <- c(0, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 600, 2000)

ts_df$Lat <- 4; ts_df$Lon=42.5 ## required geolocations to estimate daytime
ts_df$datetime <- strptime(paste(ts_df$Day,ts_df$Time),"%d-%B-%Y %H:%M:%S")
ts_df2 <- classify_DayTime(get_DayTimeLimits(ts_df)) # estimate daytime

ts2histos(ts_df2, tad_breaks = tad_breaks,split_by = "daytime")
hist_tad(ts_df2, bin_breaks = tad_breaks,split_by = "daytime", do_mid.ticks = FALSE)

combine lists of TAD/TAT frequency data


This function allows to combine seperate lists of TAD/TAT frequency data from archival tags (i.e. by Wildlife Computers). The function requires ungrouped/unmerged TAD/TAT lists to avoid merging duplicate records (e.g. multiple TAD/TAT lists from the same individual). However, grouped/merged lists with TAD/TAT from multiple individuals and even duplicate records can be provided, as the function includes an internal call of unmerge_histos to meet this requirement.


combine_histos(hist_list1, hist_list2)


hist_list1, hist_list2

Two list-of-lists to be combined, each containing TAD and TAT frequency data and the corresponding bin_breaks from one or several archival tags.


A list-of-lists of ungrouped/unmerged TAD and TAT frequency data.

$ TAD:List
..$ ID1 : List of 2
.. ..$ bin_breaks: num
.. ..$ df : data.frame
$ TAT:List
..$ ID1 : List of 2
.. ..$ bin_breaks: num
.. ..$ df : data.frame
..$ ID2 : List of 2


Robert K. Bauer

See Also

unmerge_histos, merge_histos, hist_tad, hist_tat


## example 1) read, merge and plot TAD frequency data from several files:
## part I - read histogram data from two files:
hist_dat_1 <- read_histos(system.file("example_files/104659-Histos.csv",package="RchivalTag"))
hist_dat_2 <- read_histos(system.file("example_files/104659b-Histos.csv",package="RchivalTag"))
## note the second list is based on the same data (tag), but on different bin_breaks

## part II - combine TAD/TAT frecuency data from seperate files in one list:
hist_dat_combined <- combine_histos(hist_dat_1, hist_dat_2)

## part III - force merge TAD/TAT frecuency data from seperate files 
# in one list, by applying common bin_breaks:
hist_dat_merged <- merge_histos(hist_dat_combined,force_merge = TRUE)

## part IV - plot merged data:
hist_tad(hist_dat_merged) # of all tags
unique(hist_dat_merged$TAD$merged$df$DeployID) ## list unique tags in merged list
hist_tad(hist_dat_merged, select_id = "15P1019b", select_from = 'DeployID') # of one tag

## part V - unmerge data:

plot time series data via the dygraphs interactive time series plotting interface.


plot time series data (e.g. depth or temperature time series data from archival tags) via the dygraphs interactive time series plotting interface.


dy_TS(ts_df, y="Depth", xlim, ylim, 
           ylab=y, xlab, main,
           ID, ID_label="Serial", 
           plot_DayTimePeriods=TRUE, twilight.set="ast", 
           doRangeSelector=TRUE, drawPoints=FALSE, pointSize=2, tz="UTC",...)

dy_DepthTS(ts_df, y="Depth", xlim, ylim, 
           ylab=y, xlab, main,
           ID, ID_label="Serial", 
           plot_DayTimePeriods=TRUE, twilight.set="ast", 
           doRangeSelector=TRUE, drawPoints=FALSE, pointSize=2, tz="UTC", ...)



data.frame holding the time series data to be plotted, including the x-vector 'datetime' (in POSIXct-format and UTC), and the numeric y-vector whose label is defined by y.


character label of time series vector to be plotted (by default 'Depth').


the x limits (x1, x2) of the plot (by default range(ts_df$datetime), but needs to be specified in empty.plot_TS).


the y limits of the plot (by default range(ts_df[[y]]), but needs to be specified in empty.plot_TS).

ylab, xlab

the y- and x-axis labels.


main title (by default "Tag ID") for the plot).

ID, ID_label

Tag ID and its label (column name; by default "Serial") to be selected (e.g. if input data frame holds tagging data from several tags).

plot_DayTimePeriods, twilight.set

whether day-time periods ('Night', 'Dawn', 'Day', 'Dusk') should be plotted as shaded areas. In case that plot_DayTimePeriods is set TRUE), the limits of each time period are required (columns sunrise, sunset, dawn.ast,/dawn.naut and dawn.ast/dawn.naut in POSIXct-format. In case of the twilight events, the additional argument twilight.set defines the suffix of the twlight-set to be selected ( "ast" for astronomical dawn and dusks vs "naut" for nautical twilight events). If any of the day-time columns, described above, is missing, it/they will be calculated based on geolocation estimates (required columns Lon and Lat) through an internal call of function get_DayTimeLimits.


color of the line to be plotted (by default "darkblue")


whether to add dygraph interactive range selection and zooming bar below the figure (by default TRUE)

drawPoints, pointSize

Whether to indicate add points to the figure at the sampling time steps as well their size.


The time zone in which the data should be illustrated (By default "UTC"). ATTENTION: The required date format of the input data is "UTC" (across all RchivalTag-functions). Run OlsonNames(tzdir = NULL) for valid time zone definitions.


additional arguments to be passed to dygraph.Further arguments can be passed after the function call, e.g. via dyOptions.


An interactive dygraph plot object that can be altered further using for exemple the dyOptions.


Robert K. Bauer

See Also

plot_TS, plot_DepthTempTS


### load sample depth and temperature time series data from miniPAT:
# ts_file <- system.file("example_files/104659-Series.csv",package="RchivalTag")
# ts_df <- read_TS(ts_file)
# ts_df$Serial <- ts_df$DeployID
# head(ts_df)

## plot depth-time series data
# dy_DepthTS(ts_df)

## add missing Lon, Lat information for night-time and twilight shadings
# ts_df$Lon <- 5; ts_df$Lat <- 43

# dy_DepthTS(ts_df)

## same figure with plot_DepthTS:
# plot_DepthTS(ts_df, plot_DayTimePeriods = TRUE)

## some further arguments:
# dy_DepthTS(ts_df, xlim = unique(ts_df$date)[2:3], plot_DayTimePeriods = FALSE)

## add further options via dyOptions-call:
# dg <- dy_DepthTS(ts_df, xlim = unique(ts_df$date)[2:3], 
#                  plot_DayTimePeriods = FALSE, drawPoints = TRUE)
# dg <- dyOptions(dg,drawGrid=FALSE)
# dg

Estimating the timing of sunrise, sunset, astronomical and nautical twilight events


Estimating the timing of sunrise, sunset, astronomical and nautical twilight events in POSIXct-format based on geolocations and a similar time vector. The function is a simplified call of the sunriset and crepuscule functions of the maptools-package that are based on algorithms provided by the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).





a data.frame with the columns datetime (a time vector in POSIXct-format), Lon and Lat.


The input data.frame pos extended by the time vectors sunrise, sunset, dawn.naut, dawn.ast, dusk.naut and dusk.ast.


Robert K. Bauer


Meeus, J. (1991) Astronomical Algorithms. Willmann-Bell, Inc.

See Also

sunriset, crepuscule, classify_DayTime


#### example 1) estimate current times of dawn, sunrise, dusk and sunset in Mainz, Germany:
pos <- data.frame(Lat=8.2667, Lon=50)
pos$datetime <- strptime(Sys.Date(),"%Y-%m-%d")

#### example 1b) classify current ime of the day in Mainz, Germany:

estimate thermal stratification indices


estimates thermal stratification indices, including thermocline depth, gradient, mixed later depth and stratifcation index from daily temperature at depth profiles, as illustrated by Bauer et al. (2015) for archival tagging data.


get_thermalstrat(x, dz=20, strat_lim=100, na.rm=FALSE, 
                 verbose=TRUE, Depth_res, all_info=FALSE)



A list generated by interpolate_TempDepthProfiles, containing interpolated temperature at depth profiles and their corresponding date and depth vectors:

$ Data_Source.ID_key:List of 3
..$ Temperature_matrix: num
..$ Depth : num
..$ Date :Date
..$ sm :data.frame
.. ..$ Date :chr
.. ..$ nrecs :int
.. ..$ Depths :chr


size of the moving window in meters between which temperature values should be compared for the estimation of the thermocline gradient and depth (by default 20).


whether interpolated temperature at depth profiles with missing values should be treated (default is FALSE).


up to which depth (in meters) temperature values should be considered for the estimation of the stratication index (by default 100).


numeric value, defining the depth resolution at which the temperature data should be interpolated.


whether the process of the function run should be indicated (by default TRUE).


whether the summary information of the input file should be generated in the output (by default FALSE).


a data.frame composed of


a date vector (see input argument x)


the maxmium depth (in meters) of a daily temperature at depth profile to which its interpolation is limitied)


the maximum temperature gradient of all possible moving windows of size dz)


the thermocline depth, defined as the average depth (of the depth range) of the moving window(s) with the maximum temperature gradient tgrad)


size of the moving window in meters between which temperature values were compared


mixed layer depth, defined as the average depth of the first moving window that meets maximum temperature gradient criterium)


mixed layer depth, defined as as the depth at which T = SST-0.5 degrees, the temperature criterion of Monterey and Levitus (1997).


mixed layer depth, defined as the depth at which T = SST-0.8 degrees, the temperature criterion of Kara et al. (2000, 2003).


stratification index, defined as the standard deviation of all interpolated temperature values up to the depth defined by the argument strat_lim


optional columns to be taken from the sm data.frame of the input list (in case that all_info=TRUE)


number of records of the non-interpolated daily temperature at depth profiles


unique depth records of the non-interpolated daily temperature at depth profiles, seperated by '; '


Robert K. Bauer


Bauer, R., F. Forget and JM. Fromentin (2015) Optimizing PAT data transmission: assessing the accuracy of temperature summary data to estimate environmental conditions. Fisheries Oceanography, 24(6): 533-539, doi:10.1111/fog.12127

Kara, A. B., P. A. Rochford, and H. E. Hurlburt (2000). An optimal definition for ocean mixed layer depth. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105:16803-16821, doi:10.1029/2000JC900072

Kara, A. B., P. A. Rochford, and H. E. Hurlburt (2003) Mixed layer depth variability over the global ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108:3079, doi:10.1029/2000JC000736

Monterey, G., and S. Levitus (1997) Seasonal variability of mixed layer depth for the world ocean. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 14, U. S. Govt. Printing Office.

See Also



#### example 1) run on PDT file:
## step I) read sample PDT data file:
path <- system.file("example_files",package="RchivalTag")
PDT <- read_PDT("104659-PDTs.csv",folder=path)
# ## step II) interpolate average temperature fields (MeanPDT) from PDT file:
# m <- interpolate_PDTs(PDT)
# str(m)
# m$sm
# ## step III) calculate thermal stratifcation indicators per day (and tag):
# get_thermalstrat(m, all_info = TRUE)
# get_thermalstrat(m, all_info = FALSE)
# #### example 2) run on time series data:
# ## step I) read sample time series data file:
# DepthTempTS <- read.table(system.file("example_files/104659-Series.csv",
#                                       package="RchivalTag"),header = TRUE,sep=',')
# DepthTempTS$date <- as.Date(DepthTempTS$Day,"%d-%b-%Y")
# head(DepthTempTS)
# ## step Ib) bin temperature data on 10m depth bins 
# ##          to increase later estimate accuracy (see Bauer et al. 2015):
# # DepthTempTS_binned <- bin_TempTS(DepthTempTS,res=10)
# ## step II) interpolate average temperature fields (MeanTemp) from binned data:
# m <- interpolate_TempDepthProfiles(DepthTempTS)
# # m <- interpolate_PDTs(DepthTempTS_binned)
# str(m)
# m$sm
# ## step III) calculate thermal stratifcation indicators per day (and tag):
# get_thermalstrat(m, all_info = TRUE)
# get_thermalstrat(m, all_info = FALSE)

Boxplot on hourly aggregated DepthTS records


This function creates a boxplot via the ggplot library from hourly aggregated DepthTS records


ggboxplot_DepthTS_by_hour(ts_df, ylim, min_perc=75,
                          main="", submain, add_ids_to_submain=FALSE, xlab,
                          ID, ID_label="Serial",
                          plot_DayTimePeriods=TRUE, twilight.set="ast",
                          box=TRUE, jitter=FALSE, 
                          color_by=ID_label, cb.title=color_by,
                          pal, opacity=0.1,tz="UTC")



data.frame with DepthTS data,


limits of the y-axis.


the minimum data coverage (in percent) of daily DepthTS recoords (by default 75%).

main, submain, add_ids_to_submain, xlab

The title and subtitle of the figure as well as the label of the x-axis.

ID, ID_label

Tag ID and its label (column name; by default "Serial") to be selected (e.g. if input data frame holds tagging data from several tags).

plot_DayTimePeriods, twilight.set

whether day-time periods ('Night', 'Dawn', 'Day', 'Dusk') should be plotted as shaded areas. In case that plot_DayTimePeriods is set TRUE), the limits of each time period are required (columns sunrise, sunset, dawn.ast,/dawn.naut and dawn.ast/dawn.naut in POSIXct-format. In case of the twilight events, the additional argument twilight.set defines the suffix of the twlight-set to be selected ( "ast" for astronomical dawn and dusks vs "naut" for nautical twilight events).


whether to draw a box around the figure (by default TRUE)

jitter, color_by, cb.title, pal, opacity

whether to draw all Depth records on top of the boxplot (by default FALSE). If selected, records will be colored via the different groups in the column specified in color_by with colors specified by the color palette pal and the opacity value between 0 (transparent) and 1 (solid).


The time zone in which the data should be illustrated (By default "UTC"). ATTENTION: The required date format of the input data is "UTC" (across all RchivalTag-functions). Run OlsonNames(tzdir = NULL) for valid time zone definitions. Be aware that changes of the time zone will alter the internal date definition and thus may result in different datasets to be displayed (depending on the min_perc requirements). This concerns mainly partially transmitted data sets.


Robert K. Bauer

See Also

hist_tad, plot_DepthTS, dy_DepthTS


# ts_file <- system.file("example_files/104659-Series.csv",package="RchivalTag")
# ts_df <- read_TS(ts_file)
# ggboxplot_DepthTS_by_hour(ts_df)
# ## Let's add position data to obtain twilight and nighttime shadings:
# ts_df$Lon <- 5; ts_df$Lat <- 43
# ts_df2 <- get_DayTimeLimits(ts_df)
# ggboxplot_DepthTS_by_hour(ts_df2,ylim=c(0,100))
# ### Let's add the actual depth records on top of the boxplot
# ###(only meaningful in case of few amounts of data):
# ggboxplot_DepthTS_by_hour(ts_df2,jitter = T,opacity = 0.1)

reads and plots geolocation estimates derived from archival tagging data


In case that geolocations are provided by csv-files or data frames, line and scatter plots are implemented. If ncdf-files or kmz-files, generated by the Wildlife Computers-data portal, are selected, a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame will be created and a surface probability maps are illustrated. The netcdf transformation procedure is based on the R-code given in the location processing user guide by Wildlife Computers. The kmz-files already include the contour lines of the 50, 95 and 99% likelihood areas that are being extracted and likewise transformed to a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame. In case of kmz-files, no other areas can be selected.


ggplot_geopos(x, ggobj, xlim, ylim, zlim, standard_year=FALSE, 
              full_year=standard_year, date_format, lang_format="en", tz="UTC", 
              Breaks, cb.title, cb.date_format, cbpos, cb.height = 10, cb.xlab = "",
              cb.reverse=FALSE, pal.reverse=cb.reverse, prob_lim=.75, color_by="date", 
              pal, alpha=70, type="p",
              main ,lwd=1, size=2, shape=19, verbose= FALSE, ...)
get_geopos(x, xlim, ylim, date_format, lang_format="en", tz="UTC", 
           proj4string, prob_lim=.5,verbose=TRUE)



data.frame containing horziontal position records (allowed column names are 'Most.Likely.Longitude', 'Longitude' or 'Lon' and 'Most.Likely.Latitude', 'Latitude' or 'Lat', respectively. path and file name of .csv, .kmz, .kml or .nc-files, or a loaded nc-file via get_geopos.

Please note that netcdf- and kmz-file outputs from similiar probability thresholds (e.g. 0.50) may differ due to differences in the generation algorithm.

Please also note that the kmz-files from WC include only a subsample (up to 50) of the GPE3 likelihood areas. The kmz-file transformation is very fast, but due to the limitation stated above, only recommended for display purposes. Please contact WC if you need the complete GPE3 likelihood areas or use the netcdf-file transformation.


ggplot object.

xlim, ylim

Numeric vector, defining the limts of the x and y-axes.

zlim, Breaks, standard_year, full_year

date range and breaks of the colorbar. If standard_year is set TRUE, positions are standardized on a yearly basis and tick breaks are ignored. If full_year is set TRUE as well, the color scale will cover all months from January until December.

date_format, lang_format, tz

character strings indicating the date format, language format and the corresponding time zone, defined by the vectors Date and Time (by default: date_format="%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S", lang_format="en", tz='UTC') If formatting fails, please check as well the input language format, defined by lang_format (and use abbrviations such as "en" for English,"es" for Spanish, "fr" for French, etc.) as well.


Coordinate reference system (CRS; projection).


character string indicating the title of the colorbar (by default 'Date'.)


character strings indicating the date format of the color bar ticks (by default "%Y-%m-%d").

cbpos, cb.xlab, cb.height

position, xlab and height of the colorbar


in case that a kmz, kml, or netcdf-file (.nc) is selected, the value defines the limit of the probability surfaces in % (By default 0.50 for 50%). Note that in case of kmz, kml-files valid values are 0.50, 0.95 or 0.99). Otherwise ignored.


colomn or vector by which the geolocations should be colored (by default "date").


color map to be plotted in case of polygon (.nc-files) or scatter plots (default is the 'jet'-colormap, and 'year.jet' in case standard_year & full_year are set TRUE). See cmap for pre-installed color maps. Note that tracking data with constant time steps is being assumed in the color assignment. To verify this, a data.frame containing the colors at each time steps will be returned for polygon and scatter plots.

cb.reverse, pal.reverse

inverse order of ticks and colormap of colorscale.


transparency of polygons and dots to be plotted in percent (By default 70%).


character string giving the type of plot desired. The following values are possible, for details (By default "p" for points, but "l" for lines is also implemented).

size, shape

size and dot-type (by default '19' for solid dots) of the points to be plotted (requires 'type' set to points or line-points).


line width


additional arguments to be passed to ggplotmap.


an overall title for the plot


whether the file names should be printed during loading geolocation files(By default TRUE for get_geopos(), but FALSE for ggplot_geopos()).


Robert K. Bauer

See Also

leaflet_geopos, ggplotly_geopos, ggplotmap


# ## example 1a) line plot from several csv-files:
# library(oceanmap)
# csv_file <- system.file("example_files/15P1019-104659-1-GPE3.csv",package="RchivalTag")
# pos <- get_geopos(csv_file)  ## show tracks as line plot
# ggobj <- ggplot_geopos(pos)
# ggobj
# ggplotly_geopos(ggobj)
# ## load second file and add to plot:
# csv_file2 <- system.file("example_files/14P0911-46177-1-GPE3.csv",package="RchivalTag")
# pos2 <- get_geopos(csv_file2)  ## show tracks as line plot
# ggobj2 <- ggplot_geopos(pos2)
# ggplotly_geopos(ggobj2)
# pos3 <- rbind(pos,pos2)
# ggobj3 <- ggplot_geopos(pos3,type = "l")
# # ggobj3 <- ggplot_geopos(pos3,type = "b")
# # ggobj3 <- ggplot_geopos(pos3,type = "p")
# ggplotly_geopos(ggobj3)
# ## example 1b) scatter plot from csv-file on existing landmask:
# ggobj <- oceanmap::ggplotmap('lion',grid.res = 5) # use keyword to derive area limits
# ggobj4 <- ggplot_geopos(csv_file,ggobj)
# ggplotly_geopos(ggobj4)
# ## alternatives:
# pos <- get_geopos(csv_file)
# r <- oceanmap::regions("lion")
# ggobj5 <- ggplot_geopos(pos, xlim = r$xlim, ylim = r$ylim)
# ggplotly_geopos(ggobj5)
# ## example 2) probability surfaces of horizontal tracks from nc-file:
# ## this can take some time as it inlcudes time consuming data processing
# nc_file <- system.file("example_files/",package="RchivalTag")
# ggobj6 <- ggplot_geopos(nc_file)
# ggobj6
# ggplotly_geopos(ggobj6)
# ## alternative:
# pols_df <- get_geopos(nc_file)
# ggplot_geopos(pols_df)
# ## example 3) probability surfaces of horizontal tracks from kmz-file:
# kmz_file <- system.file("example_files/15P1019-104659-1-GPE3.kmz",package="RchivalTag")
# ggobj7 <- ggplot_geopos(kmz_file)
# ggobj7
# ggplotly_geopos(ggobj7)
# kmz_file2 <- system.file("example_files/15P0986-15P0986-2-GPE3.kmz",package="RchivalTag")
# ggobj8 <- ggplot_geopos(kmz_file2)
# ggobj8
# ggplotly_geopos(ggobj8)
# ## example 4) combine polygon tracks:
# k1 = get_geopos(kmz_file)
# k2 = get_geopos(kmz_file2)
# ggobj <- ggplotmap("mednw4")
# ## p1 <- ggplot_geopos(k1,ggobj = ggobj) ## not working, need to change date format:
# p1 <- ggplot_geopos(k1,grid.res=1)
# p1
# p2 <- ggplot_geopos(k2,p1,zlim = as.Date(range(c(k1$datetime,k2$datetime))))
# ggplotly_geopos(p2)
# ## change plot window:
# p1b <- ggplot_geopos(k1,ggobj = ggobj)
# p2b <- ggplot_geopos(k2,p1b,zlim = as.Date(range(c(k1$datetime,k2$datetime))))
# p2b
# ggplotly_geopos(p2b)

Converts a ggplot2 object from ggplot_geopos() to plotly


This function converts a ggplot2 object created by RchivalTag::ggplot_geopos() to a plotly object.


ggplotly_geopos(ggobj, fixedrange=F, grid=F,expand=10)



Character string identifying regions predefined by the region_definitions-dataset, Raster* or Extent object (corresponds to v_area of the v-function). If missing, region is derived from geographical coordinates, denoted by lat and lon. See add.region to define new region definitions and delete.region to delete unproper region definitions.


Vector returning longitude coordinates of the area to be plotted.


whether a grid should be plotted (default is TRUE)


By default, the underlying ggplotly-function does not stick to the plotting region of the ggobj, but extends it. This can result in missing countries or islands. The expand-argument extends the plotly-plotting window in each direction in order to cover the corresponding landmasks.)


ggoplotmaply uses the ggplotly functions to convert the ggplot object into the plotly format.


Robert K. Bauer

See Also

leaflet_geopos, ggplot_geopos, ggplotmap, ggplotly


# ## example 1a) line plot from several csv-files:
# library(oceanmap)
# csv_file <- system.file("example_files/15P1019-104659-1-GPE3.csv",package="RchivalTag")
# pos <- get_geopos(csv_file)  ## show tracks as line plot
# ggobj <- ggplot_geopos(pos)
# ggobj
# ggplotly_geopos(ggobj)
# ## load second file and add to plot:
# csv_file2 <- system.file("example_files/14P0911-46177-1-GPE3.csv",package="RchivalTag")
# pos2 <- get_geopos(csv_file2)  ## show tracks as line plot
# ggobj2 <- ggplot_geopos(pos2)
# ggplotly_geopos(ggobj2)
# pos3 <- rbind(pos,pos2)
# ggobj3 <- ggplot_geopos(pos3,type = "l")
# # ggobj3 <- ggplot_geopos(pos3,type = "b")
# # ggobj3 <- ggplot_geopos(pos3,type = "p")
# ggplotly_geopos(ggobj3)
# ## example 1b) scatter plot from csv-file on existing landmask:
# ggobj <- oceanmap::ggplotmap('lion',grid.res = 5) # use keyword to derive area limits
# ggobj4 <- ggplot_geopos(csv_file,ggobj)
# ggplotly_geopos(ggobj4)
# ## alternatives:
# pos <- get_geopos(csv_file)
# r <- oceanmap::regions("lion")
# ggobj5 <- ggplot_geopos(pos, xlim = r$xlim, ylim = r$ylim)
# ggplotly_geopos(ggobj5)
# ## example 2) probability surfaces of horizontal tracks from nc-file:
# ## this can take some time as it inlcudes time consuming data processing
# nc_file <- system.file("example_files/",package="RchivalTag")
# ggobj6 <- ggplot_geopos(nc_file)
# ggobj6
# ggplotly_geopos(ggobj6)
# ## alternative:
# pols_df <- get_geopos(nc_file)
# ggplot_geopos(pols_df)
# ## example 3) probability surfaces of horizontal tracks from kmz-file:
# kmz_file <- system.file("example_files/15P1019-104659-1-GPE3.kmz",package="RchivalTag")
# ggobj7 <- ggplot_geopos(kmz_file)
# ggobj7
# ggplotly_geopos(ggobj7)
# kmz_file2 <- system.file("example_files/15P0986-15P0986-2-GPE3.kmz",package="RchivalTag")
# ggobj8 <- ggplot_geopos(kmz_file)
# ggobj8
# ggplotly_geopos(ggobj8)
# ## example 4) combine polygon tracks:
# k1 = get_geopos(kmz_file)
# k2 = get_geopos(kmz_file2)
# ggobj <- ggplotmap("mednw4")
# ## p1 <- ggplot_geopos(k1,ggobj = ggobj) ## not working, need to change date format:
# p1 <- ggplot_geopos(k1,date_format = "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S")
# p1
# p2 <- ggplot_geopos(k2,p1,zlim = as.Date(range(c(k1$datetime,k2$datetime))),
#       date_format = "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S")
# ggplotly_geopos(p2)
# ## change plot window:
# p1b <- ggplot_geopos(k1,ggobj = ggobj, date_format = "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S")
# p2b <- ggplot_geopos(k2,p1b,zlim = as.Date(range(c(k1$datetime,k2$datetime))),
#                     date_format = "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S")
# p2b
# ggplotly_geopos(p2b)

Time-at-Depth histogram


generates daily or back-to-back (e.g. Day-vs-Night-) Time-at-Depth histograms from binned depth or depth time series data


            bin_breaks=NULL, bin_prefix="Bin", 
            select_id, select_from='Ptt', aggregate_by='Ptt',
            date, min_perc,
            main, xlab='Time at Depth (%)', ylab="Depth (m)", labeling=TRUE,
            xlim=c(0, 100), adaptive.xlim=FALSE, 
            split_by=NULL, split_levels, xlab2=split_levels, 
            ylab.side=2, ylab.line, ylab.font=1,
            xlab.side=3, xlab.line=2.5, xlab.font=1,
            xlab2.side=1, xlab2.line=1, xlab2.font=2,
            main.side=3, main.line=3.8, main.font=1,
            col=c("darkgrey", "white"),
            xticks, ylabels,
            do_mid.ticks=TRUE, yaxis.pos=0, 
            mars, space=0,
            plot_sd=TRUE, plot_se, plot_nrec=TRUE, plot_ntags=TRUE,
            cex=1.2, cex.main=cex, cex.lab=cex, cex.inf=cex.axis,cex.axis=1, 
            subplot=FALSE, inside=FALSE,Type="TAD")



dataframe that either contains depth time series data (as a vector "Depth") or several vectors of Time-at-Depth frequencies. In the latter case, column names composed of a common bin_prefix (default is "Bin.") hold the pre-binned Time-at-Depth frequencies whose depth limits are defined in bin_breaks.

bin_breaks, bin_prefix

bin_breaks is a numeric vector of depth bin breaks for the histogram data. In case of binned data (e.g. from standard wildlife computer histogram files), column names with a bin_prefix are expected to contain the preprossesed data (by default: Bin1, Bin2, Bin3, etc.). Alternatively, depth time series data will be directly converted using function ts2histos.

select_id, select_from

these arguments allow to take a direct subset of the input dataframe. select_from defines the vector whereas select_id defines the identification key(s) that should be selected.


character vector defining the columns by which the tagging data should be aggregated. Should contain columns that identify tags (e.g. Serial, Ptt, DeployID) the date and/or day time period (to seperate records from night, day, dawn and dusk see classify_DayTime). Default values are: date, Day and Ptt.


An optional vector to select depth data of a specified date/-range.


optional number, defining the minimum data coverage (in percent) of histogram entries obtained from depth time series data.

main, xlab, ylab, labeling

The titles for the plot, x- and y-axes to be plotted if labeling is set TRUE (default).

xlim, adaptive.xlim

a vector defining the limits (x1,x2) of the x-axis, by default c(0,100). However, if adaptive.xlim is set TRUE, these limits will be overwritten, and the maximum value (xlim[2]) will be chosen from the histogram data.


Name of the logical vector by which TaD data should be splitted (e.g. daytime; see classify_DayTime).

split_levels, xlab2

Character vector defining the name and order of the levels of the split_by vector (e.g. c("Night", "Day") for split_by vector 'day.time'. The same groups are plotted as a second x-axis label if not defined otherwise (xlab2=split_levels).

ylab.side, ylab.line, ylab.font

side, line and font of second y-axis label.

xlab.side, xlab.line, xlab.font

side, line and font of first x-axis label.

xlab2.side, xlab2.line, xlab2.font

side, line and font of second x-axis labels.

main.side, main.line, main.font

side, line and font of plot title.


colours to be used for the TaD-histogram, by default 'grey' and 'white' (corresponding to the values of split_by/split_levels).

xticks, ylabels

tick labels of the x-axis and ylabels of the y-axis to show in the plot.


whether centered tick-labels, indicating the depth range of histogram cells, shall be plotted (by default FALSE). Alternatively, tick labels will be indicated at the breakpoints of the histrogram cells.


x-axis coordinate at which the y-axis should be plotted (by default xlim[1], and thus 0).


a numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right), decribing the number of margin lines to be specified on the each side of the plot. The default is c(2.1, 4.1, 6.1, 2.1). In case that do_mid.ticks is TRUE margins are: c(2.1, 8, 6.1, 2.1).


the space between the histogram bars.

plot_sd, plot_se, plot_nrec, plot_ntags

whether standard deviation or standard error bars, the number of records and tags shall be plotted (default is TRUE) inside the TaD/TaT histogram. (if plot_se is TRUE, plot_sd will be overwritten!).

cex, cex.main, cex.lab, cex.inf, cex.axis

font size of the title (cex.main), x- and y-axes labels (cex.lab), other labels, like the number of records (cex.inf) as well as of the tick marks.

whether summary information of the TaD histograms, including the number of records per summary period, the relative frequencies per bin and corresponding standard deviation, should be plotted (default is TRUE).

subplot, inside

whether the TaD histogram is a subplot or an inner plot of a figure (default is FALSE). If subplot or inside are set TRUE, graphic margins will not be set by hist_tad. In case that inside is TRUE, no axis-labels and titels wil be plotted.


The Type of data to be plotted (TAD: Time-at-Depth histograms; TAT: Time-at-Temperature histograms)


Time-at-Temperature (Tat) and Time-at-Depth (TaD) fequencies are a standard data product of archival tags (incl. tag models TDR-Mk9, PAT-Mk10 and miniPAT by Wildlife Computers) that allow to assess habitat preferences of tagged animals (see function read_histos). It can be likewise generated from transmitted or recovered time series data sets using function ts2histos.

However, different depth and temperature bin breaks are often used during different deployment programs, which makes a later comparitive analysis of TaT and TaT data difficult. For such cases, the function combine_histos and merge_histos can be applied to merge TaT and TaD frequencies based on common bin breaks of different tags.

The purpose of this function is the visualization of Time-at-Depth (TaD) histograms, whereas hist_tad is the related function for Time-at-Temperature (TaT) data.


Robert K. Bauer

See Also

ts2histos, combine_histos, merge_histos, hist_tat


ts_file <- system.file("example_files/104659-Series.csv",package="RchivalTag")
ts_df <- read_TS(ts_file)

tad_breaks <- c(0, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 600, 2000)
tat_breaks <- c(10,12,15,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,27)

## example 1a) convert only DepthTS data to daily TAD frequencies:
ts2histos(ts_df, tad_breaks = tad_breaks)
hist_tad(ts_df, bin_breaks = tad_breaks)
hist_tad(ts_df, bin_breaks = tad_breaks, do_mid.ticks = FALSE)

## convert 1b) only TemperatureTS data to daily TAT frequencies:
tat <- ts2histos(ts_df, tat_breaks = tat_breaks)
hist_tat(ts_df, bin_breaks = tat_breaks, do_mid.ticks = FALSE)
hist_tat(tat$TAT$merged, do_mid.ticks = FALSE)

## convert 1c) DepthTS & TemperatureTS data to daily TAD & TAT frequencies:
ts2histos(ts_df, tad_breaks = tad_breaks, tat_breaks = tat_breaks)

## convert 1d) back-to-back histogram showing day vs night TAD frequencies:
ts_df$Lat <- 4; ts_df$Lon=42.5 ## required geolocations to estimate daytime
ts_df2 <- classify_DayTime(get_DayTimeLimits(ts_df)) # estimate daytime

ts2histos(ts_df2, tad_breaks = tad_breaks,split_by = "daytime")
hist_tad(ts_df2, bin_breaks = tad_breaks,split_by = "daytime", do_mid.ticks = FALSE)

## example 2) rebin daily TAD frequencies:
tad <- ts2histos(ts_df, tad_breaks = tad_breaks)
tad2 <- rebin_histos(hist_list = tad, tad_breaks = tad_breaks[c(1:3,6:12)])
hist_tad(tad, do_mid.ticks = FALSE) ## example for multiple individuals
hist_tad(tad$TAD$merged, do_mid.ticks = FALSE)
hist_tad(tad$TAD$merged, bin_breaks = tad_breaks[c(1:3,6:12)]) ## from inside hist_tad

## example 3) read, merge and plot TAD frequency data from several files:
## part I - read histogram data from two files:
hist_dat_1 <- read_histos(system.file("example_files/104659-Histos.csv",package="RchivalTag"))
hist_dat_2 <- read_histos(system.file("example_files/104659b-Histos.csv",package="RchivalTag"))
## note the second list is based on the same data (tag), but on different bin_breaks

## part II - combine TAD/TAT frecuency data from seperate files in one list:
hist_dat_combined <- combine_histos(hist_dat_1, hist_dat_2)

## part III - force merge TAD/TAT frecuency data from seperate files 
# in one list, by applying common bin_breaks:
hist_dat_merged <- merge_histos(hist_dat_combined,force_merge = TRUE)

## part IV - plot merged data:
hist_tad(hist_dat_merged) # of all tags
unique(hist_dat_merged$TAD$merged$df$DeployID) ## list unique tags in merged list
hist_tad(hist_dat_merged, select_id = "15P1019b", select_from = 'DeployID') # of one tag

## part V - unmerge data:

Time-at-Temperature histogram


generates daily or back-to-back (e.g. Day-vs-Night-) Time-at-Temperature histograms from binned Temperature or Temperature time series data


            bin_breaks=NULL, bin_prefix="Bin", 
            main, xlab="Time at Temperature (%)", 
            ylab=expression(paste("Temperature (",degree,"C)")), labeling=TRUE,
            Type="TAT", ...)



dataframe that either contains Temperature time series data (as a vector "Temperature") or several vectors of Time-at-Temperature frequencies. In the latter case, vector names are composed of a common bin_prefix (default is "tad."), followed by the upper Temperature limit (bin break).

bin_breaks, bin_prefix

bin_breaks is a numeric vector of depth bin breaks for the histogram data. In case of binned data (e.g. from standard wildlife computer histogram files), column names with a bin_prefix are expected to contain the preprossesed data (by default: Bin1, Bin2, Bin3, etc.). Alternatively, depth time series data will be directly converted using function ts2histos.

main, xlab, ylab, labeling

The titles for the plot, x- and y-axes to be plotted if labeling is set TRUE (default).


The Type of data to be plotted (TAD: Time-at-Depth histograms; TAT: Time-at-Temperature histograms)


additional arguments to be passed:

select_id, select_from

these arguments allow to take a direct subset of the input dataframe. select_from defines the vector whereas select_id defines the identification key(s) that should be selected.


character vector defining the columns by which the tagging data should be aggregated. Should contain columns that identify tags (e.g. Serial, Ptt, DeployID) the date and/or day time period (to seperate records from night, day, dawn and dusk see classify_DayTime). Default values are: date, Day and Ptt.


An optional vector to select depth data of a specified date/-range.

xlim, adaptive.xlim

a vector defining the limits (x1,x2) of the x-axis, by default c(0,100). However, if adaptive.xlim is set TRUE, these limits will be overwritten, and the maximum value (xlim[2]) will be chosen from the histogram data.


Name of the logical vector by which TaD data should be splitted (e.g. daytime; see classify_DayTime).

split_levels, xlab2

Character vector defining the name and order of the levels of the split_by vector (e.g. c("Night", "Day") for split_by vector 'day.time'. The same groups are plotted as a second x-axis label if not defined otherwise (xlab2=split_levels).

ylab.side, ylab.line, ylab.font

side, line and font of second y-axis label.

xlab.side, xlab.line, xlab.font

side, line and font of first x-axis label.

xlab2.side, xlab2.line, xlab2.font

side, line and font of second x-axis labels.

main.side, main.line, main.font

side, line and font of plot title.


colours to be used for the TaD-histogram, by default 'grey' and 'white' (corresponding to the values of split_by/split_levels).

xticks, ylabels

tick labels of the x-axis and ylabels of the y-axis to show in the plot.


whether centered tick-labels, indicating the depth range of histogram cells, shall be plotted (by default FALSE). Alternatively, tick labels will be indicated at the breakpoints of the histrogram cells.


x-axis coordinate at which the y-axis should be plotted (by default xlim[1], and thus 0).


a numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right), decribing the number of margin lines to be specified on the each side of the plot. The default is c(2.1, 4.1, 6.1, 2.1). In case that do_mid.ticks is TRUE margins are: c(2.1, 8, 6.1, 2.1).


the space between the histogram bars.

plot_sd, plot_se, plot_nrec , plot_ntags

whether standard deviation or standard error bars, the number of records and tags shall be plotted (default is TRUE) inside the TaD/TaT histogram. (if plot_se is TRUE, plot_sd will be overwritten!).

cex, cex.main, cex.lab, cex.inf

font size of the title (cex.main), x- and y-axes labels (cex.lab), and other labels, like the number of records (cex.inf).

whether summary information of the TaD histograms, including the number of records per summary period, the relative frequencies per bin and corresponding standard deviation, should be plotted (default is TRUE).

subplot, inside

whether the TaD histogram is a subplot or an inner plot of a figure (default is FALSE). If subplot or inside are set TRUE, graphic margins will not be set by hist_tat. In case that inside is TRUE, no axis-labels and titels wil be plotted.


Time-at-Temperature (Tat) and Time-at-Depth (TaD) fequencies are a standard data product of archival tags (incl. tag models TDR-Mk9, PAT-Mk10 and miniPAT by Wildlife Computers) that allow to assess habitat preferences of tagged animals (see function read_histos). It can be likewise generated from transmitted or recovered time series data sets using function ts2histos.

However, different depth and temperature bin breaks are often used during different deployment programs, which makes a later comparitive analysis of TaT and TaT data difficult. For such cases, the function combine_histos and merge_histos can be applied to merge TaT and TaD frequencies based on common bin breaks of different tags.

The purpose of this function is the visualization of Time-at-Temperature (TaT) histograms, whereas hist_tad is the related function for Time-at-Depth (TaD) data.


Robert K. Bauer

See Also

ts2histos, combine_histos, merge_histos, hist_tad


ts_file <- system.file("example_files/104659-Series.csv",package="RchivalTag")
ts_df <- read_TS(ts_file)

tad_breaks <- c(0, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 600, 2000)
tat_breaks <- c(10,12,15,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,27)

## example 1a) convert only DepthTS data to daily TAD frequencies:
ts2histos(ts_df, tad_breaks = tad_breaks)
# hist_tad(ts_df, bin_breaks = tad_breaks)
hist_tad(ts_df, bin_breaks = tad_breaks, do_mid.ticks = FALSE)

## convert 1b) only TemperatureTS data to daily TAT frequencies:
tat <- ts2histos(ts_df, tat_breaks = tat_breaks)
hist_tat(ts_df, bin_breaks = tat_breaks, do_mid.ticks = FALSE)
hist_tat(tat$TAT$merged, do_mid.ticks = FALSE)

## convert 1c) DepthTS & TemperatureTS data to daily TAD & TAT frequencies:
ts2histos(ts_df, tad_breaks = tad_breaks, tat_breaks = tat_breaks)

## convert 1d) back-to-back histogram showing day vs night TAD frequencies:
ts_df$Lat <- 4; ts_df$Lon=42.5 ## required geolocations to estimate daytime
ts_df2 <- classify_DayTime(get_DayTimeLimits(ts_df)) # estimate daytime

ts2histos(ts_df2, tad_breaks = tad_breaks,split_by = "daytime")
hist_tad(ts_df2, bin_breaks = tad_breaks,split_by = "daytime", do_mid.ticks = FALSE)

## example 2) rebin daily TAD frequencies:
tad <- ts2histos(ts_df, tad_breaks = tad_breaks)
tad2 <- rebin_histos(hist_list = tad, tad_breaks = tad_breaks[c(1:3,6:12)])
hist_tad(tad, do_mid.ticks = FALSE) ## example for multiple individuals
hist_tad(tad$TAD$merged, do_mid.ticks = FALSE)
hist_tad(tad$TAD$merged, bin_breaks = tad_breaks[c(1:3,6:12)]) ## from inside hist_tad

## example 3) read, merge and plot TAD frequency data from several files:
## part I - read histogram data from two files:
hist_dat_1 <- read_histos(system.file("example_files/104659-Histos.csv",package="RchivalTag"))
hist_dat_2 <- read_histos(system.file("example_files/104659b-Histos.csv",package="RchivalTag"))
## note the second list is based on the same data (tag), but on different bin_breaks

## part II - combine TAD/TAT frecuency data from seperate files in one list:
hist_dat_combined <- combine_histos(hist_dat_1, hist_dat_2)

## part III - force merge TAD/TAT frecuency data from seperate files 
# in one list, by applying common bin_breaks:
hist_dat_merged <- merge_histos(hist_dat_combined,force_merge = TRUE)

## part IV - plot merged data:
hist_tad(hist_dat_merged) # of all tags
unique(hist_dat_merged$TAD$merged$df$DeployID) ## list unique tags in merged list
hist_tad(hist_dat_merged, select_id = "15P1019b", select_from = 'DeployID') # of one tag

## part V - unmerge data:

plots interpolated daily temperature at depth profiles


plots interpolated daily temperature at depth profiles, thus faciliating the analysis of temporal changes of temperature profiles, for instance, in relation to animal behaviour (e.g. diving behaviour). See Bauer et al. (2015) for further examples.


image_TempDepthProfiles(x, main=NULL, xlab='Date', ylab="Depth (m)", 
                        cb.xlab=expression(paste("Temperature (",degree,"C)")), 
                        cex.cb.xlab=1, cex.cb.ticks=1,
                        xlim, ylim, zlim, pal="jet", only.months, month.line=0, 
                        mars, axes=TRUE, do.colorbar=TRUE, ...)



A list , generated by interpolate_TempDepthProfiles or interpolate_PDTs, containing interpolated temperature at depth profiles and their corresponding date and interpolated depth values as well as a summary table with the original depth values and their number per day:

$ Temperature_matrix: num
$ Depth : num
$ Date :Date
$ sm :data.frame

main, xlab, ylab

the title, x- and y-axis labels to be plotted.


character string indicating the x-axis label of the colorbar.

cex.cb.xlab, cex.cb.ticks

cex.cb.xlab: font size of the x-axis label of the colorbar (by default 1). cex.cb.ticks: font size of the x-axis tick labels of the colorbar (by default 1).

xlim, ylim, zlim

the x, y and z limits of the plot.


color map to be plotted (default is 'jet'). See cmap for available color maps.

only.months, month.line

whether only mid-months shall be plotted as tick labels of the x-axis (by default FALSE for time ranges of less than 3 months (93 days)). In case, that only.months is set TRUE, month.line defines the line where the month labels shall be plotted.


a numerical vector defining the plot margins c(bottom, left, top, right) (by default c(5,4,4,9)).

axes, do.colorbar

whether the axes and colorbar should be plotted.


additional arguments to be passed to set.colorbarp


Robert K. Bauer


Bauer, R., F. Forget and JM. Fromentin (2015) Optimizing PAT data transmission: assessing the accuracy of temperature summary data to estimate environmental conditions. Fisheries Oceanography, 24(6): 533-539, doi:10.1111/fog.12127

See Also

read_PDT, bin_TempTS, get_thermalstrat, image_TempDepthProfiles


#### example 1) run on PDT file:
## step I) read sample PDT data file:
path <- system.file("example_files",package="RchivalTag")
PDT <- read_PDT("104659-PDTs.csv",folder=path)
# ## step II) interpolate average temperature fields (MeanPDT) from PDT file:
# m <- interpolate_PDTs(PDT)
# str(m)
# m$sm
# ## step III) calculate thermal stratifcation indicators per day (and tag):
# get_thermalstrat(m, all_info = TRUE)
# get_thermalstrat(m, all_info = FALSE)
# ## step IV) plot interpolated profiles:
# image_TempDepthProfiles(m$station.1)
# #### example 2) run on time series data:
# ## step I) read sample time series data file:
# DepthTempTS <- read.table(system.file("example_files/104659-Series.csv",
#                                       package="RchivalTag"),header = TRUE,sep=',')
# DepthTempTS$date <- as.Date(DepthTempTS$Day,"%d-%b-%Y")
# head(DepthTempTS)
# ## step Ib) bin temperature data on 10m depth bins 
# ##          to increase later estimate accuracy (see Bauer et al. 2015):
# # DepthTempTS_binned <- bin_TempTS(DepthTempTS,res=10)
# ## step II) interpolate average temperature fields (MeanTemp) from binned data:
# m <- interpolate_TempDepthProfiles(DepthTempTS)
# # m <- interpolate_PDTs(DepthTempTS_binned)
# str(m)
# m$sm
# ## step III) calculate thermal stratifcation indicators per day (and tag):
# get_thermalstrat(m, all_info = TRUE)
# get_thermalstrat(m, all_info = FALSE)
# ## step IV) plot interpolated profiles:
# image_TempDepthProfiles(m$station.1)

interpolate daily temperature at depth profiles


interpolates depth-temperature data and returns daily average temperature at depth profiles on a user-specified resolution (Depth_res).
Results are returned as a list containing the interpolated Temperature-matrix, and the corresponding date and depth values. Thus interpolated temperature at depth profiles can be visualized using function image_TempDepthProfiles and faciliates the analysis of temporal changes of temperature profiles, for instance, in relation to animal behaviour (e.g. diving behaviour).


interpolate_TempDepthProfiles(ts, Temp_field="Temperature", ID_key="Serial", 
                              Depth_res=.5, verbose=TRUE, Data_Source='station')
interpolate_PDTs(ts, Temp_field="MeanPDT", ID_key="Serial", #return_as_matrix=FALSE, 
                             Depth_res=.5, verbose=TRUE, Data_Source='station')


ts, Temp_field, ID_key

ts is a data.frame with temperature at depth data. Required columns are Depth for the depth data and a column containing temperature data, whose name is defined by Temp_field. ID_key specifies the name of an optional column on which sampling stations or tags can be distinguished (by default Serial).


numeric value, defining the depth resolution at which the temperature data should be interpolated.


whether the sampling dates and ids of stations or tags, as defined by the columns date and ID_key, should be indicated during the interpolation process.


a character string, defining the data source (by default station).


A list containing the interpolated temperature at depth profiles and their corresponding date and interpolated depth values as well as a summary table with the original depth values and their number per day:

$ Data_Source.ID_key:List of 4
..$ Temperature_matrix: num
..$ Depth : num
..$ Date :Date
..$ sm :data.frame

Please see the examples for further understaning.


Robert K. Bauer


Bauer, R., F. Forget and JM. Fromentin (2015) Optimizing PAT data transmission: assessing the accuracy of temperature summary data to estimate environmental conditions. Fisheries Oceanography, 24(6): 533-539, doi:10.1111/fog.12127

See Also

read_PDT, bin_TempTS, get_thermalstrat, image_TempDepthProfiles


#### example 1) run on PDT file:
## step I) read sample PDT data file:
path <- system.file("example_files",package="RchivalTag")
PDT <- read_PDT("104659-PDTs.csv",folder=path)
# ## step II) interpolate average temperature fields (MeanPDT) from PDT file:
# m <- interpolate_PDTs(PDT)
# str(m)
# m$sm
# ## step III) calculate thermal stratifcation indicators per day (and tag):
# get_thermalstrat(m, all_info = TRUE)
# get_thermalstrat(m, all_info = FALSE)
# ## step IV) plot interpolated profiles:
# image_TempDepthProfiles(m$station.1)
# #### example 2) run on time series data:
# ## step I) read sample time series data file:
# ts_file <- system.file("example_files/104659-Series.csv",package="RchivalTag")
# DepthTempTS <- read_TS(ts_file)
# ## step Ib) bin temperature data on 10m depth bins 
# ##          to increase later estimate accuracy (see Bauer et al. 2015):
# # DepthTempTS_binned <- bin_TempTS(DepthTempTS,res=10)
# ## step II) interpolate average temperature fields (MeanTemp) from binned data:
# m <- interpolate_TempDepthProfiles(DepthTempTS)
# # m <- interpolate_PDTs(DepthTempTS_binned)
# str(m)
# m$sm
# ## step III) calculate thermal stratifcation indicators per day (and tag):
# get_thermalstrat(m, all_info = TRUE)
# get_thermalstrat(m, all_info = FALSE)
# ## step IV) plot interpolated profiles:
# image_TempDepthProfiles(m$station.1)

reads and plots geolocation estimates derived from archival tagging data


This function creates a Leaflet map widget using htmlwidgets from spatial tagging data. The widget can be rendered on HTML pages generated from R Markdown, Shiny, or other applications.


leaflet_geopos(data, ID_label, add_label=NULL, except_label=NULL, 
               collapsedLayers=TRUE, radius=1000, pal,
               layer_title=ID_label, colorby="date", cb.title, cbpos="bottomright",
               showScaleBar=TRUE, showSlideBar=FALSE)



spatial data such as data.frame or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.


Vector in spatial data that defines the ID of the tracks to be plotted.

add_label, except_label

additional labels or labels to be removed from hover.


whether to collapse leaflet layer legend.


circle size, in case of simple Lon/Lat tracking dataframes.


color map to be plotted in case of polygon (.nc-files) or scatter plots (default is the 'jet'-colormap, and 'year.jet' in case standard_year & full_year are set TRUE). See cmap for pre-installed color maps. Note that tracking data with constant time steps is being assumed in the color assignment. To verify this, a data.frame containing the colors at each time steps will be returned for polygon and scatter plots.


character string indicating the title of the layer legend (by default defined by 'ID_label'.)


character string indicating the vector for which to apply the colorbar (by default 'date'.)


character string indicating the title of the colorbar (by default inferred from colorby),


position of the colorbar (by default 'bottomright'.)

showScaleBar, showSlideBar

whether to show the scale bar or the slide bar.


Robert K. Bauer

See Also

ggplotly_geopos, ggplot_geopos, update_leaflet_elementId


# csv_file <- system.file("example_files/15P1019-104659-1-GPE3.csv",package="RchivalTag")
# s0 <- get_geopos(csv_file)
# ggplot_geopos(s0)
# leaflet_geopos(s0,ID_label="DeployID")
# leaflet_geopos(s0,ID_label="DeployID",showSlideBar = T)
# kmz_file <- system.file("example_files/15P1019-104659-1-GPE3.kmz",package="RchivalTag")
# k1 <- get_geopos(kmz_file)
# kmz_file2 <- system.file("example_files/15P0986-15P0986-2-GPE3.kmz",package="RchivalTag")
# k2 <- get_geopos(kmz_file2)
# k0 <- k3 <- rbind(k1,k2)
# ggplot_geopos(k0,ggobj = ggplotmap("lion"))
# # ggobj <- ggplot_geopos(k1)
# # ggplot_geopos(ggobj = ggobj,k2)
# leaflet_geopos(k0,ID_label="DeployID",collapsedLayers = F) %>% addMiniMap()
# leaflet_geopos(k0,ID_label="DeployID",showSlideBar = T)
## Code to illustrate how to avoid rendering issues in RMarkdown:
## only valid in RMarkdown chunks:
# kmz_file2 <- system.file("example_files/15P0986-15P0986-2-GPE3.kmz",package="RchivalTag")
# k2 <- get_geopos(kmz_file2)
# k0 <- k3 <- rbind(k1,k2)
# library(leaflet)
# map <- leaflet_geopos(k0, ID_label="DeployID", collapsedLayers = F)
# map
# map # plot again to show rendering issues (in the layer menu title)
## this is required to avoid rendering issues when plotting the same map twice via RMarkdown 
# map <- update_leaflet_elementId(map) 
# plot again with updated elementID:
# map %>% addMiniMap()

merge and/or rebin TAD/TAT-frequency data


The joint analysis of archival tagging data from different tagging programs is often hampered by differences in the tags' setups, e.g. by the user-specified temporal resolution of time series data or the definition of summary data products. The latter particuarly concerns different selected bin breaks of Time-at-Depth (TAD) and Time-at-Temperature (TAT) frequency data from archival tags by Wildlife Computers.

The purpose of this function is to allow:

1) a grouping of TAD and TAT data from multiple tags based on similiar bin breaks (For this, run the function with default statements, i.e. force_merge is FALSE),

2) merging (rebinning) of TAD and TAT data from multiple tags based on the bin breaks that all tags have in common (To do so, run the function with force_merge set TRUE).

3) merging (rebinning) of TAD and TAT data from multiple tags based on new user-specified tad_breaks and/or tat_breaks. In this case, the force_merge-statements TRUE and FALSE will omit or seperately group tags that do not share all user-specified bin breaks, respectively.

To combine of TAD/TAT data of several hist_lists, see combine_histos.

To visualize Time-at-Temperature (TaT) and Time-at-Depth (TaD) data, please see hist_tat and hist_tad, respectively.


merge_histos(hist_list, tad_breaks=NULL, tat_breaks=NULL, force_merge=FALSE)
rebin_histos(hist_list, tad_breaks=NULL, tat_breaks=NULL, force_merge=FALSE)



A list-of-lists containing the TAD and TAT frequency data and the corresponding bin_breaks from one or several tags.


a numeric vector defining the bin_breaks for the merging (rebinning) of the TAD frequency data.
In case that the additional argument force_merge is set TRUE, only tags whose original TAD bin breaks included all of the user-specified tad_breaks will be merged in a single group ('merged') based on the new bin breaks, while other tags will be omitted in the output. By contrast, if force_merge is set FALSE, tags that do not contain all specified tad_breaks will be merged in seperate groups (group2, group3, etc.), based on similar bin_breaks.


a numeric vector defining the bin_breaks for the merging (rebinning) of the TAT frequency data.
In case that the additional argument force_merge is set TRUE, only tags whose original TAT bin breaks included all of the user-specified tat_breaks will be merged in a single group ('merged') based on the new bin breaks, while other tags will be omitted in the output. By contrast, if force_merge is set FALSE, tags that do not contain all specified tat_breaks will be merged in seperate groups (group2, group3, etc.), based on similar bin_breaks.


If FALSE (default), groups of tags with similar TAD and TAT-bin_breaks will be combined (no merging on new bin breaks) and identifier labels renamed as group1, group2, etc.
If set TRUE, TAD and TAT frequency data will be merged on user-specified tad/tat_breaks or, if those arguments are missing, on the bin_breaks that all tags have in common. In both latter cases, identifier labels will be renamed "merged".


A list-of-lists of grouped or merged TAD and TAT frequency data.

$ TAD:List
..$ group1 : List of 2
.. ..$ bin_breaks: num
.. ..$ df : data.frame
$ TAT:List
..$ group1 : List of 2
.. ..$ bin_breaks: num
.. ..$ df : data.frame
..$ group2 : List of 2


Robert K. Bauer

See Also

unmerge_histos, combine_histos, hist_tad


## example 1) read, merge and plot TAD frequency data from several files:
## part I - read histogram data from two files:
hist_dat_1 <- read_histos(system.file("example_files/104659-Histos.csv",package="RchivalTag"))
hist_dat_2 <- read_histos(system.file("example_files/104659b-Histos.csv",package="RchivalTag"))
## note the second list is based on the same data (tag), but on different bin_breaks

## part II - combine TAD/TAT frecuency data from seperate files in one list:
hist_dat_combined <- combine_histos(hist_dat_1, hist_dat_2)

## part III - force merge TAD/TAT frecuency data from seperate files 
# in one list, by applying common bin_breaks:
hist_dat_merged <- merge_histos(hist_dat_combined,force_merge = TRUE)

## part IV - plot merged data:
hist_tad(hist_dat_merged) # of all tags
unique(hist_dat_merged$TAD$merged$df$DeployID) ## list unique tags in merged list
hist_tad(hist_dat_merged, select_id = "15P1019b", select_from = 'DeployID') # of one tag

## part V - unmerge data:

Abacus plot to illustrate the data coverage of different data products per tag throughout their deployment period.


Abacus plot to illustrate the data coverage of different data products per tag throughout their deployment period.


plot_data_coverage(x, type, type2, meta, 
                   Identifier="Serial", fields=c("Serial","Ptt"),
                   date_range_std, show_fullmonths=TRUE, 
                   zlim, mars, na.omit=TRUE,
                   do.arrows=TRUE, xpos.arrows=-.25, xpos.years=-.27, 
                   xpos.fields=c(-.01,-.12), ypos.fields,
                   main, cex.main=1.2,
                   cb.xlab, cex.cb.xlab=1,
                   cb.ticks, cex.cb.ticks=.9,
                   pal="jet", bg="grey")
abacus_plot(x, type, type2, meta,
            Identifier="Serial", fields=c("Serial","Ptt"),
            date_range_std, show_fullmonths=TRUE, 
            zlim, mars, na.omit=TRUE,
            do.arrows=TRUE, xpos.arrows=-.25, xpos.years=-.27, 
            xpos.fields=c(-.01,-.12), ypos.fields,
            main, cex.main=1.2,
            cb.xlab, cex.cb.xlab=1,
            cb.ticks, cex.cb.ticks=.9,
            pal="jet", bg="grey")



a list with the tagging data whose data covereage will be illustrated as abacus plot

type, type2

the data type of x ("ts", "lightlocs","tad","tat") and the name of the variable to be plotted: "perc" in case of lightlocation and time series data, "perc_dat" in case of histogram data ("tad", "tat").


a data.frame containing the meta data of the tagging program. Required column names include: '', '' as well as the definitions of the Identifier, fields vectors (see below).


unit vector to identify the tags within the tagging data list (must appear in names of sublist) and meta table (column name). By default 'Serial' of the tag.

date_range_std, show_fullmonths

standardized date range to be plotted (deplyoment years are reset to 0; e.g 0-10-03 and 01-02-17 for a fish that was in the water from 2017-10-03 until 2018-02-17. If missing, the date range will be estimated from the tagging data. If show_fullmonths=TRUE, the estimated date range will be rounded to full months (e.g. 0-10-01 and 01-03-01). However, show_fullmonths is ignored if date_range_std is specified.


a numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right), decribing the number of margin lines to be specified on the each side of the plot. The default is c(5,12,4,8). In case of length(fields) > 2 you may need to increase the space to the left as well as related arguments (i.e. xpos.arrows, xpos.years, xpos.fields), in order to provide the neccessary space for the columns of the meta data to be shown.


whether missing data points within the time series shall be converted to 0. If FALSE, such missing points will be shaded in grey.


the minimum and maximum z values for which colors should be plotted. By default c(0,100).

do.arrows, xpos.arrows, xpos.years

whether arrows shall be shown next to the deployment years as well as the horizontal position of arrows and deployment years.

fields, xpos.fields, ypos.fields

vectors to define the column(s) in meta data to be illustrated to the left of the data coverage abacus plot as well as related horizontal and vertical positions.

main, cex.main

the title and it's font size. if missing, title will be set to "type".

cb.xlab, cex.cb.xlab

the title of the colorbar and it's font size.

cb.ticks, cex.cb.ticks

the tick labels of the colorbar and it's font size.

pal, bg

the color palette of the colorbar (either a vector or a single keyword referring to a colorbar from the colorbars of the oceanmap package) as well as the background color of the data coverage abacus plot. Please note also, that if the argument 'na.omit' is set to FALSE, missing data points will be shaded in grey.


Abacus plot to illustrate the data coverage of different data products per tag throughout their deployment period as shown in Figure 3 of Bauer et al. (2020).


Robert K. Bauer


Bauer, R., F. Forget, JM. Fromentin and M. Capello (2020) Surfacing and vertical behaviour of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in the Mediterranean Sea: implications for aerial surveys. ICES Journal of Marine Science. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsaa083

See Also

read_histos, ts2histos, read_TS


# sample_file <- system.file("example_files/abacus_sample_data.rd",package="RchivalTag")
# load(sample_file, verbose=T)
# ## Please note: the sample data is contains only the columns required to produce the figures. 
# ## Other fields (e.g. Bins and bin breaks in the histos data are missing). 
# ## The basic structure has been mantained and needs to be adopted 
# ## to apply the plot_data_coverage-function.
# str(meta) # meta data example with all required columns
# str(lightlocs) ## not yet implemented, but can structure be adapted for other data sets.
# str(histos) ## combined but not merged histogram data. 
              ## Please compare with read_histos or ts2histos output and examples
# str(ts_list) ## list of depth time series data. compare with read_TS output
# plot_data_coverage(lightlocs, type="lightlocs", meta=meta)
# plot_data_coverage(histos, type="tad", meta=meta)
# plot_data_coverage(ts_list, type="ts", meta=meta)

plot Depth Temperature time series data


line plot for xyz-time series data with colorized z-variable (e.g. depth-temperature time series data from archival tags).


plot_DepthTempTS(ts_df, y="Depth", z="Temperature", 
                 xlim, ylim, zlim, show.colorbar=TRUE, 
                 pal="jet", cb.xlab, cb.xlab.line=0, 
                 pt.lwd, do_interp=TRUE, Return=FALSE, mars, tz="UTC", ...)
plot_DepthTempTS_resampled(ts_df, y="Depth",z="Temperature", bin_res=10, 
                          xlim, ylim, zlim, show.colorbar=TRUE, 
                           pal="jet", cb.xlab, cb.xlab.line=0,
                           pt.lwd, do_interp=TRUE, Return=FALSE, mars, tz="UTC", ...)
plot_DepthTempTS_resampled_PDT(ts_df, PDT, y="Depth", z="Temperature", 
                               xlim, ylim, zlim, show.colorbar=TRUE, 
                               pal="jet", cb.xlab, cb.xlab.line=0,  
                               pt.lwd, do_interp=TRUE, Return=FALSE, mars, tz="UTC", ...)


ts_df, PDT

data.frames holding the time series data to be plotted, including the x-vector 'datetime' (in POSIXct-format and UTC), and the numeric y-vector whose label is defined by y. In case of plot_DepthTempTS_resampled the depth temperature time series data will be interpolated on a daily basis and then resampled for temperature data by the depth records of the original time series data. plot_DepthTempTS_resampled_PDT does the same but uses PDT data for resampling.


character label of time series vector to be plotted (by default 'Depth').


character label of time series vector to be plotted (by default 'Temperature').


specific argument for plot_DepthTempTS_resampled: the depth interval at which temperature records should be binned. (by default 10).


the x limits (x1, x2) of the plot (by default range(ts_df$datetime)).


the y limits of the plot (by default range(ts_df[[y]])).


the y limits of the plot (by default range(ts_df[[z]])).


weather a colorbar should be plotted for image plots (default is TRUE).


color map to be plotted (default is the 'jet'-colormap of the oceanmap-package. See cmap for available color maps.

cb.xlab, cb.xlab.line

character string indicating the label of the colorbar (default is Temperature in degrees) and cb.xlab.line its placement line (default is 0).


size of points and lines.


whether z-values shall be interpolated over the covered range of the time series data. The default TRUE value will produce a line plot. If set to FALSE only the available data points of the z-variable will be plotted.


whether edited time series data set should be returned (by default FALSE).


A numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right) which gives the number of lines of margin to be specified on the four sides of the plot. The default is c(5,4,4,10).


The time zone in which the data should be illustrated (By default "UTC"). ATTENTION: The required date format of the input data is "UTC" (across all RchivalTag-functions).


additional arguments to be passed to plot_TS.


Robert K. Bauer

See Also

plot_DepthTS, plot_TS


### load sample depth and temperature time series data from miniPAT:
ts_file <- system.file("example_files/104659-Series.csv",package="RchivalTag")
ts_df <- read_TS(ts_file)
ts_df$Serial <- ts_df$DeployID
# plot_DepthTempTS(ts_df, do_interp = FALSE)
# plot_DepthTempTS(ts_df, do_interp = TRUE)
# plot_DepthTempTS_resampled(ts_df, do_interp = TRUE) # more accurate

# ts_df$Lon <- 5; ts_df$Lat <- 43
# plot_DepthTempTS(ts_df, plot_DayTimePeriods = TRUE, xlim = unique(ts_df$date)[2:3])
# plot_DepthTempTS(ts_df, plot_DayTimePeriods = TRUE, xlim = unique(ts_df$date)[2:3])
# plot_DepthTempTS_resampled(ts_df, plot_DayTimePeriods = TRUE, xlim = unique(ts_df$date)[2:3])
# plot_DepthTempTS_resampled_PDT(ts_df, PDT, plot_DayTimePeriods = TRUE)

plot time series data


plotting functions for time series data (e.g. depth or temperature time series data from archival tags) with user specified xtick intervals.


plot_DepthTS(ts_df, y="Depth", xlim, ylim, xticks_interval,
             ylab=y, xlab, main, main.line=1, plot_info=TRUE, 
             ID, ID_label="Serial",
             plot_DayTimePeriods=FALSE, twilight.set="ast", 
             cex=1, cex.main=1.2*cex, cex.lab=1*cex, 
             cex.axis=.9*cex, cex.axis2=1*cex, 
             type="l", las=1, xaxs="i", yaxs="i", 
             plot_box=TRUE, bty="l", Return=FALSE, tz="UTC",...)
plot_TS(ts_df, y="Depth", xlim, ylim, xticks_interval,
        ylab=y, xlab, main, main.line=1, plot_info=TRUE, 
        ID, ID_label="Serial",
        plot_DayTimePeriods=FALSE, twilight.set="ast", 
        cex=1, cex.main=1.2*cex, cex.lab=1*cex, 
        cex.axis=.9*cex, cex.axis2=1*cex, 
        type="l", las=1, xaxs="i", yaxs="i", 
        plot_box=TRUE, bty="l", Return=FALSE, tz="UTC", ...)
empty.plot_TS(xlim, ylim, xticks_interval, ylab="", xlab, main="",
              cex=1, cex.main=1.2*cex, cex.lab=1*cex, 
              cex.axis=.9*cex, cex.axis2=1*cex,               
              las=1, xaxs="i", yaxs="i", do_xaxis=TRUE, do_yaxis = TRUE,
              plot_box=TRUE, bty="l", tz="UTC", ...)



data.frame holding the time series data to be plotted, including the x-vector 'datetime' (in POSIXct-format and UTC), and the numeric y-vector whose label is defined by y.


character label of time series vector to be plotted (by default 'Depth').


the x limits (x1, x2) of the plot (by default range(ts_df$datetime), but needs to be specified in empty.plot_TS).


the y limits of the plot (by default range(ts_df[[y]]), but needs to be specified in empty.plot_TS).


time step of the x-axis ticklabels in (full) hours. By default 3 hours for xlim differences <= 1 day, and 6 hours for differences > 1 day.

ylab, xlab

the y- and x-axis labels. By default xlab="Time (UTC)" and ylab = "Depth (m)"

main, main.line

main title (by default "Tag ID") for the plot and its line (see mtext for reference).


whether the plot title and axes labels should be shown (by default TRUE).

ID, ID_label

Tag ID and its label (column name; by default "Serial") to be selected (e.g. if input data frame holds tagging data from several tags).


what type of plot should be drawn. Possible types are:

  • "p" for points,

  • "l" for lines (default),

  • "b" for both,

  • "c" for the lines part alone of "b",

  • "o" for both 'overlapped',

  • "n" for nothing (similar to empty.plot_TS-function call)


numeric in {0,1,2,3}; the style of axis labels


always parallel to the axis [default],


always horizontal,


always perpendicular to the axis,


always vertical.

xaxs, yaxs

The style of axis interval calculation to be used for the x-and y-axes. Possible values are "r" and "i" (default). The styles are generally controlled by the range of data or xlim, if given.

Style "r" (regular) first extends the data range by 4 percent at each end and then finds an axis with pretty labels that fits within the extended range.

Style "i" (internal) just finds an axis with pretty labels that fits within the original data range.

cex, cex.main, cex.lab, cex.axis, cex.axis2

The standard font size of title, axis labels and tick labels.

plot_DayTimePeriods, twilight.set

whether day-time periods ('Night', 'Dawn', 'Day', 'Dusk') should be plotted as shaded areas. In case that plot_DayTimePeriods is set TRUE, the limits of each time period are required (columns sunrise, sunset, dawn.ast,/dawn.naut and dawn.ast/dawn.naut in POSIXct-format. In case of the twilight events, the additional argument twilight.set defines the suffix of the twlight-set to be selected ( "ast" for astronomical dawn and dusks vs "naut" for nautical twilight events). If any of the day-time columns, described above, is missing, it/they will be calculated based on geolocation estimates (required columns Lon and Lat) through an internal call of function get_DayTimeLimits.

do_xaxis, do_yaxis

Optional arguments in empty.plot_TS to define whether a x and and y-axis shall be plotted (by default TRUE).

plot_box, bty

whether a box of box-type bty should be plotted (by default TRUE. bty is one of "o" (the default), "l", "7", "c", "u", or "]" the resulting box resembles the corresponding upper case letter.


whether edited time series data set should be returned (by default FALSE).


The time zone in which the data should be illustrated (By default "UTC"). ATTENTION: The required date format of the input data is "UTC" (across all RchivalTag-functions). Run OlsonNames(tzdir = NULL) for valid time zone definitions.


additional arguments to be passed to plot.


Robert K. Bauer

See Also

ggboxplot_DepthTS_by_hour, dy_DepthTS, plot_DepthTempTS


### load sample depth and temperature time series data from miniPAT:
ts_file <- system.file("example_files/104659-Series.csv",package="RchivalTag")
ts_df <- read_TS(ts_file)
ts_df$Serial <- ts_df$DeployID

## load same data in LOTEK format
ts_file <- system.file("example_files/104659_PSAT_Dive_Log.csv",package="RchivalTag")
ts_df <- read_TS(ts_file,date_format="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
head(ts_df) ## attention no identifier (Ptt, Serial, DeployID) included!
ts_df$DeployID <- ts_df$Ptt <- "104659"
ts_df$Serial <- "Tag1"

### select subsets (dates to plot)
# plot_DepthTS(ts_df, plot_DayTimePeriods = FALSE, xlim = unique(ts_df$date)[2:3])
# xlim <- c("2016-08-10 6:10:00", "2016-08-11 17:40:00")
# plot_DepthTS(ts_df, plot_DayTimePeriods = FALSE, xlim = xlim)

### check xtick time step:
# plot_DepthTS(ts_df, plot_DayTimePeriods = FALSE, xlim = "2016-08-10")
# plot_DepthTS(ts_df, plot_DayTimePeriods = FALSE, xlim = "2016-08-10", xticks_interval = 2)

### add daytime periods during plot-function call and return extended data set
# ts_df$Lon <- 5; ts_df$Lat <- 43
# plot_DepthTS(ts_df, plot_DayTimePeriods = TRUE, xlim = unique(ts_df$date)[2:3])
# ts_df2 <- plot_DepthTS(ts_df, plot_DayTimePeriods = TRUE, Return = TRUE) 
# names(ts_df)
# names(ts_df2)

### add daytime periods before function call
# ts_df_extended <- get_DayTimeLimits(ts_df)
# plot_DepthTS(ts_df_extended, plot_DayTimePeriods = TRUE)
# plot_DepthTS(ts_df_extended, plot_DayTimePeriods = TRUE, twilight.set = "naut")

### introduce data transmission gaps that are then filled internally
### as well as daytime periods based on interpolated Lon & Lat positions
# ts_df_cutted <- ts_df[-c(200:400, 1800:2200), ]
# plot_DepthTS(ts_df_cutted, plot_DayTimePeriods = FALSE)
# plot_DepthTS(ts_df_cutted, plot_DayTimePeriods = TRUE) 

### example for empty.plotTS and adding time series data as line:
# empty.plot_TS(xlim="2016-08-10",ylim=c(100,0))
# lines(ts_df$datetime, ts_df$Depth)

### alternative:
# plot_DepthTS(ts_df, xlim=c("2016-08-10","2016-08-12"), plot_DayTimePeriods = TRUE, type='n') 
# lines(ts_df$datetime, ts_df$Depth)

RchivalTag - Analyzing and Interactive Visualization of Archival Tagging Data


RchivalTag provides a set of functions to analyze and visualize different data products from Archival Tags (Supported Models include amongst others: MiniPAT, sPAT, mk10, mk9 from Wildlife Computers as well as LOTEK PSAT Models LOTEK. Models from other Manufactorers might be supported as well.


TaD-/TaT-histogram data
- The package allows to read and calculate standard summary data products (TaD-/TaT-profiles, see above) from recovered or transmitted time series data sets as well as to merge and visualize such summary data products from different tag setups/tagging programs. For more information on these data products, please see: Wildlife Computers (2016).

Depth time series data
- data visualization, optionally highlighting daytime differences (dawn, day, dusk, night).

Depth-temperature time series data
- data visualization and examination of the thermal stratification of the water column (i.e. thermocline depth, gradient and stratification index), based on previously interpolated. The paper by Bauer et al. (2015) is highly recommended in this context.

Depth-temperature time series data
- data visualization and examination of the thermal stratification of the water column (i.e. thermocline depth, gradient and stratification index), based on previously interpolated. The paper by Bauer et al. (2015) is highly recommended in this context.

interactive geolocation vizualiation
- data visualization via ggplot2 and plot_ly based on oceanmap standard maps.

So far, the package is mainly adapted for archival tagging data from Wildlife Computers, but can also be applied to data from other tag manufacturers (e.g. see ts2histos in order to calculate TaD & TaT-frequencies from time series data). Function examples are based on the transmitted data sets of a miniPAT-tag from the BLUEMED-project, funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR;


Robert K. Bauer


Bauer, R., F. Forget and JM. Fromentin (2015) Optimizing PAT data transmission: assessing the accuracy of temperature summary data to estimate environmental conditions. Fisheries Oceanography, 24(6): 533-539, doi:10.1111/fog.12127

Bauer, R., JM. Fromentin, H. Demarcq and S. Bonhommeau (2017) Habitat use, vertical and horizontal behaviour of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea in relation to oceanographic conditions. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 141: 248-261, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2017.04.006

Bauer, R., F. Forget, JM. Fromentin and M. Capello (2020) Surfacing and vertical behaviour of Atlantic bluefin tuna (*Thunnus thynnus*) in the Mediterranean Sea: implications for aerial surveys. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 77(5): 1979-1991, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsaa083

Wildlife Computers (2016) MiniPAT-User-Guide, 4 April 2016, 26 pp.

reads a TAD/TAT-histogram file from archival tags


reads or posttreats a manually loaded standard histogram data file, containing Time-at-Depth (TAD) and Time-at-Temperature (TAT) frequency data, from archival tags by Wildlife Computers.


read_histos(hist_file, date_format, lang_format="en", tz="UTC", dep.end, Serial, 
            force_24h=TRUE, min_perc, omit_negatives=TRUE, right_truncate=TRUE)



character string indicating the name of a standard Wildlife Computers file to read or the data.frame of a manually loaded histogram data file. The combination of the columns DeployID, Ptt and Serial is assumed to provide an unique key to distinguish data from indiviudal tags.


whether histogram data with a time step of less than 24h should be merged to 24h (default is TRUE). Note that the current version of hist_tad and hist_tat was written for 24h data!

date_format, lang_format, tz

character strings indicating the date format, language format and the corresponding time zone, defined by the vectors Date and Time (by default: date_format="%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y", lang_format="en", tz='UTC') If formatting fails, please check as well the input language format, defined by lang_format (and use abbrviations such as "en" for English,"es" for Spanish, "fr" for French, etc.) as well.


Date specifying the deployment end of the tag.


character-string indicating the Serial number of the tag to be selected. (in case of multi-tag histogram files.)


optional number, defining the minimum data coverage (in percent) of histogram entries obtained from depth time series data.


merge negative depth and temperature bins with next positive bin (>= 0; default is TRUE).


truncate the values of the last tat- and tad-bin to 45 degrees and 2000 m, respectively (default is TRUE).


This function reads or posttreats a manually loaded standard Wildlife Computers histogram file including Time-at-Depth (TAD) and Time-at-Temperature (TAT) frequency data. In the post-treatment, the histogram data is split in lists of TAD and TAT per individual (see below). Thus processed data from several histogram files (or similarly processed time series data) can be combined using the function combine_histos. Merging of histogram data from several tags, based on similar or user-specified TAD and TAT-bin_breaks, can be done by applying function merge_histos. To generate TAD/TAT histogram data from depth and temperature time series data, see ts2histos.


A list-of-lists containing the loaded histogram data. Lists of TAD and TAT data are distinguished at the first nesting level. Further sublists include the bin_breaks and data.frames of the histogram data per tag (ID). Tag IDs are constructed based on the columns DeployID, Ptt and Serial keys (e.g. DeployID.101_Ptt.102525). The data.frames of the histogram data also contain average (avg) and standard deviation (SD) of depth and temperature values that are estimated internally from the TAD and TAT data sets (not measured!). The accuracy of these estimates thus depends on the number and selection of bin breaks, unlike ts2histos-generated values that are directly estimated from time series data. See statistics-example below.

$ TAD:List
..$ ID1 : List of 2
.. ..$ bin_breaks: num
.. ..$ df : data.frame
.. .. ..$ DeployID
.. .. ..$ Ptt
.. .. ..$ datetime
.. .. ..$ date
.. .. ..$ Bin1
.. .. .. ..$ Bin? (up to number of bin breaks)
.. .. ..$ avg (average depth estimated!! from histogram data)
.. .. ..$ SD (average depth estimated!! from histogram data)

$ TAT:List
..$ ID1 : List of 2
.. ..$ bin_breaks: num
.. ..$ df : data.frame (with columns as above)
..$ ID2 : List of 2


Robert K. Bauer

See Also

ts2histos, combine_histos, merge_histos, hist_tad, hist_tat


## read and merge 12h histogram data:
# 12h_hist_file <- system.file("example_files/67851-12h-Histos.csv",package="RchivalTag")
# hist_dat_0 <- read_histos(12h_hist_file,min_perc=100) # omit incomplete days
# hist_tad(hist_dat_0)

## example 1) read, merge and plot TAD frequency data from several files:
## part I - read histogram data from two files:
hist_dat_1 <- read_histos(system.file("example_files/104659-Histos.csv",package="RchivalTag"))
hist_dat_2 <- read_histos(system.file("example_files/104659b-Histos.csv",package="RchivalTag"))
## note the second list is based on the same data (tag), but on different bin_breaks

## part II - combine TAD/TAT frecuency data from seperate files in one list:
hist_dat_combined <- combine_histos(hist_dat_1, hist_dat_2)

## part III - force merge TAD/TAT frecuency data from seperate files 
# in one list, by applying common bin_breaks:
hist_dat_merged <- merge_histos(hist_dat_combined,force_merge = TRUE)

## part IV - plot merged data:
hist_tad(hist_dat_merged) # of all tags
unique(hist_dat_merged$TAD$merged$df$DeployID) ## list unique tags in merged list
hist_tad(hist_dat_merged, select_id = "15P1019b", select_from = 'DeployID') # of one tag

## part V - unmerge data:

## part VI - statistics:
# get histogram data with histogram-derived average depth and temperature values
hist_dat_1 <- read_histos(system.file("example_files/104659-Histos.csv",package="RchivalTag"))
avg1 <- hist_dat_1$TAD$DeployID.15P1019_Ptt.104659$df$avg # infered from the histogram data

# generate histogram data and average/sd-estimates from depth time series data of the same tag.
# attention! unlike for histogram files, the average/sd-estimates are calculated
# directly from depth time series data and not from the binned histogram data
ts_file <- system.file("example_files/104659-Series.csv",package="RchivalTag")
ts_df <- read_TS(ts_file)

tad_breaks <- c(0, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 600, 2000)
hist_dat_2 <- ts2histos(ts_df, tad_breaks = tad_breaks)
avg2 <- hist_dat_2$TAD$merged$df$avg # directly estimated from the depth time series data

# check accuracy of average depth values:
plot(avg1, avg2) 
abline(0,b = 1,lty="dotted")

## crosscheck!
# library(plyr)
# ts_stats <- ddply(ts_df,c("date"),function(x) c(avg=mean(x$Depth,na.rm=T),SD=sd(x$Depth,na.rm=T)))
# avg2==ts_stats$avg

# path <- system.file("example_files",package="RchivalTag")
# PDT <- read_PDT("104659-PDTs.csv",folder=path)
# head(PDT)
# image_TempDepthProfiles(interpolate_PDTs(PDT)[[1]])

## add information
# lines(ts_stats$date+.5,ts_stats$avg)
# add <- hist_dat_2$TAD$merged$df
# lines(add$date+.5,add$avg)
# axis(2,at=50,las=1)
# abline(h=20,lty="dashed",col="violet",lwd=3)

read PDT data from archival one or multiple tags


reads PDT data (PAT-style Depth Temperature profiles) from archival tags by Wildlife Computers). The PDT file can contain data from one or multiple tags.

What are PDTs?
PDT data provides minimum and maximum water temperatures during a user-programmed interval (usually 24h) at 8 to 16 depths. The sampled depths are thereby rounded (binned) to multiples of 8 and include the minimum and maximum depth bins as well as the 6 to 14 most frequent depth bins at which the tagged animal was located. The total number of depth bins (8 or 16) also depends on the tagged animals' behaviour. If the animal was in waters deeper than 400 m during the summary data period, the range of temperature at 16 depth bins will be reported, otherwise 8.

Why using PDT data?
Despite its low resolution, PDT data can give accurate information on the in-situ thermal stratification of the water column (e.g. thermocline depth, stratification index, ocean heat content) experienced by the tagged animal, as illustrated by Bauer et al. (2015). Accordingly, PDT data can provide precious insights into the relations between animal behaviour and environmental conditions. See the example section below on how to obtain thermal stratification indicators of the water column from PDT data.

For instance, daily PDT data can be interpolated and then visualized using functions interpolate_PDTs and image_TempDepthProfiles, respectively. This faciliates the analysis of temporal changes of temperature profiles, for instance, in relation to animal behaviour (e.g. diving behaviour).


read_PDT(pdt_file, folder, sep=",",date_format,lang_format="en",tz="UTC")



character string indicating the name of a standard PDT-file. The Date-vector of the file is expected to be or the format "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y, tz='UTC'".


path to pdt-file.


the field separator character. Values on each line of the file are separated by this character (default is ',').

date_format, lang_format, tz

character strings indicating the date format, language format and the corresponding time zone, defined by the vectors Date and Time (by default: date_format="%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y", lang_format="en", tz='UTC') If formatting fails, please check as well the input language format, defined by lang_format (and use abbrviations such as "en" for English,"es" for Spanish, "fr" for French, etc.) as well.


A data.frame with the columns:
"pdt_file", "DeployID", "Ptt", "NumBins", "Depth", "MinTemp", "MaxTemp", "datetime", "date", "MeanPDT"
Attention: Column "MeanPDT" is not measured but calculated as the average of "MinTemp" and "MaxTemp" values.


Robert K. Bauer


Bauer, R., F. Forget and JM. Fromentin (2015) Optimizing PAT data transmission: assessing the accuracy of temperature summary data to estimate environmental conditions. Fisheries Oceanography, 24(6): 533-539, doi:10.1111/fog.12127

See Also

bin_TempTS, interpolate_PDTs, image_TempDepthProfiles


## step I) read sample PDT data file:
path <- system.file("example_files",package="RchivalTag")
PDT <- read_PDT("104659-PDTs.csv",folder=path)

## step II) interpolate average temperature fields (MeanPDT) from PDT file:
# m <- interpolate_PDTs(PDT)
# str(m)
# m$sm

## step III) calculate thermal stratifcation indicators per day (and tag):
# strat <- get_thermalstrat(m, all_info = TRUE)
# strat <- get_thermalstrat(m, all_info = FALSE)

## step IV) plot interpolated profiles:
# image_TempDepthProfiles(m$station.1)

reads Time Series Data from Archival Tags


reads Time Series Data (e.g. Depth and Temperature) from Archival Tags (Supported Models: MiniPAT, sPAT, recovered mk10, mk9 from Wildlife Computers as well as LOTEK PSAT Models LOTEK. Models from other Manufactorers might be supported as well.


read_TS(ts_file, header=TRUE, sep=",", skip = 0, 
        date_format, lang_format = "en", tz = "UTC")



character string indicating the name of a standard Wildlife Computers file to read or the data.frame of a manually loaded histogram data file. The file is assumed to include the columns Day, Time (or a preformatted date-time vector termed datetime in "UTC" format.) as well as at one of the subsequent columns DeployID, Ptt and Serial to distinguish data from indiviudal tags.


a logical value indicating whether the file contains the names of the variables as its first line. If missing, the value is determined from the file format: header is set to TRUE if and only if the first row contains one fewer field than the number of columns.


the field separator character. Values on each line of the file are separated by this character. If sep = "" the separator is 'white space', that is one or more spaces, tabs, newlines or carriage returns.


integer: the number of lines of the data file to skip before beginning to read data.

date_format, lang_format, tz

character strings indicating the date format, language format and the corresponding time zone, defined by the vectors Date and Time (by default: date_format="%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S", lang_format="en", tz='UTC') If formatting fails, please check as well the input language format, defined by lang_format (and use abbrviations such as "en" for English,"es" for Spanish, "fr" for French, etc.) as well.


This function reads a time series data file from archival tags. Data sets are "completed" to facilitate an assessment of the data coverage (i.e. by ts2histos or hist_tad).


A data frame (data.frame) containing a representation of the data in the file.


Robert K. Bauer

See Also

ts2histos, hist_tad, plot_TS


### load sample depth and temperature time series data from miniPAT:
ts_file <- system.file("example_files/104659-Series.csv",package="RchivalTag")
ts_df <- read_TS(ts_file)

## other date_format:
ts_file2 <- system.file("example_files/104659-Series_date_format2.csv",package="RchivalTag")
# ts_miniPAT2 <- read_TS(ts_file2) # run to see error message
ts_miniPAT2 <- read_TS(ts_file2,date_format = "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")

## other date_format and lang_format:
ts_file_ES <- system.file("example_files/104659-Series_date_format_ES.csv",package="RchivalTag")
# ts_miniPAT_ES <- read_TS(ts_file_ES) # run to see error message
ts_miniPAT_ES <- read_TS(ts_file_ES,skip=1,sep=";",header = TRUE, 
                         date_format = "%d/%b/%y %H:%M:%S",lang_format = "es")

## load same data in LOTEK format
ts_file <- system.file("example_files/104659_PSAT_Dive_Log.csv",package="RchivalTag")
ts_df <- read_TS(ts_file,date_format="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
head(ts_df) ## attention no identifier (Ptt, Serial, DeployID) included!
ts_df$DeployID <- ts_df$Ptt <- "104659"

## example 1) convert only DepthTS data to daily TaD frequencies:
tad_breaks <- c(0, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 600, 2000)
tat_breaks <- c(10,12,15,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,27)

histos <- ts2histos(ts_df, tad_breaks = tad_breaks, tat_breaks = tat_breaks)
histos$TAD$merged$df$nperc ## check completeness of TAD data sets
histos$TAT$merged$df$nperc ## check completeness of TAT data sets
# histos <- ts2histos(ts_df, tad_breaks = tad_breaks, tat_breaks = tat_breaks,min_perc = 90)

### example 2) add daytime (Day vs Night) information and plot results
# add daytime periods during plot-function call and return extended data set
# ts_df$Lon <- 5; ts_df$Lat <- 43
# plot_DepthTS(ts_df, plot_DayTimePeriods = TRUE, xlim = unique(ts_df$date)[2:3])
# ts_df2 <- plot_DepthTS(ts_df, plot_DayTimePeriods = TRUE, Return = TRUE) 
# names(ts_df)
# names(ts_df2)

### add daytime periods before function call
# ts_df_extended <- get_DayTimeLimits(ts_df)
# plot_DepthTS(ts_df_extended, plot_DayTimePeriods = TRUE)
# plot_DepthTS(ts_df_extended, plot_DayTimePeriods = TRUE, twilight.set = "naut")

resample temperature at depth data from interpolated daily temperature at depth profiles or time series data


interpolates depth-temperature data from a provided source (depth-temperature time series data or PDT data) and resamples the interpolated data by the depth time series data provided, to faciliate plot_DepthTempTS-plots even for tags with no temperature time series data or to improve interpolation results of the plot_DepthTempTS-plots from low-resolution depth-temperature time series data.


resample_PDT(ts_df, PDT, ...)
resample_DepthTempTS(ts_df, ...)



ts_df is a data.frame with depth-temperature time series data data or only depth time series data. Required columns are Depth for the depth data and a column containing temperature data, whose name is defined by Temp_field, by default Temperature.


an optional data.frame containing PDT-data from read_PDT.


additional arguments to be passed to interpolate_TempDepthProfiles, or interpolate_PDTs.


a data.frame with depth-temperature time series data.


Robert K. Bauer


Bauer, R., F. Forget and JM. Fromentin (2015) Optimizing PAT data transmission: assessing the accuracy of temperature summary data to estimate environmental conditions. Fisheries Oceanography, 24(6): 533-539, doi:10.1111/fog.12127

See Also

read_PDT, interpolate_TempDepthProfiles, get_thermalstrat, image_TempDepthProfiles


## read in depth temperature time series data (sampling rate 5min)
ts_file <- system.file("example_files/104659-Series.csv",package="RchivalTag")
ts_df <- read_TS(ts_file)

## run daily interpolation of depth temperature time series data
m <- interpolate_TempDepthProfiles(ts_df)
ts_df2 <- resample_DepthTempTS(ts_df) ## reassign temperature at depth values

## read PDT data from same tag 
## (= low resolution depth temperature data (8 Depth and Temperature records per day))
path <- system.file("example_files",package="RchivalTag")
PDT <- read_PDT("104659-PDTs.csv",folder=path)

m <- interpolate_PDTs(PDT) ## interpolate PDTs
ts_df3 <- resample_PDT(ts_df, PDT) ## reassign temperature at depth values

#### plot results:
## 1) dot plots:

## dot plot of RECORDED depth temperature time series data
## plot_DepthTempTS(ts_df, do_interp = FALSE) 

## dot plot of RESAMPLED depth temperature time series data 
## from previously daily interpolated depth temperature time series data
# plot_DepthTempTS(ts_df2, do_interp = FALSE) 

## dot plot of RESAMPLED depth temperature time series data 
## from daily interpolated PDT data (external resampling)
# plot_DepthTempTS(ts_df3, do_interp = FALSE) 

## dot plot of RESAMPLED depth temperature time series data 
## from daily interpolated PDT data (internal resampling)
# plot_DepthTempTS_resampled_PDT(ts_df, PDT, do_interp = FALSE) 

## 2) line plots:

## line plot of depth temperature time series data
## (internal interpolation between neighboring temperature records)
## not recommended for low resolution time series data
# plot_DepthTempTS(ts_df, do_interp = TRUE) 

## line plot of depth temperature time series data 
## (based on internal daily interpolated depth temperature time series data)
# plot_DepthTempTS_resampled(ts_df, do_interp = TRUE) 

## line plot of depth temperature time series data 
## from daily interpolated PDT data (external resampling)
# plot_DepthTempTS(ts_df3, do_interp = TRUE) 

## line plot of depth temperature time series data
## from daily interpolated PDT data (internal resampling)
# plot_DepthTempTS_resampled_PDT(ts_df, PDT, do_interp = TRUE)

resample time series data at a lower resolution


resample time series data at a lower resolution


resample_TS(df, tstep, nsims)



data.frame holding the time series data to be resampled, including a 'datetime'-vector (in POSIXct-format and UTC).


numeric vector indicating the resampling resolution (in seconds).


number of simulated datasets to be generated. If missing, the maximum number of datasets will be returned, based on a moving window of the temporal resolution of the input dataset.


Robert K. Bauer

See Also



### load sample depth and temperature time series data from miniPAT:
ts_file <- system.file("example_files/104659-Series.csv",package="RchivalTag")
ts_df <- read.table(ts_file, header = TRUE, sep = ",")
ts_df$datetime <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(ts_df$Day, ts_df$Time), 
                              "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S",tz = "UTC"))

tsims <- resample_TS(ts_df,600)

simulate depth time series data


function to simulate depth series data from a template data set.


simulate_DepthTS(ts_df, ndays=10, gaps=TRUE, trate=90, 
                 random_Depth=TRUE, ref_Depth_lim=300, random_Depth_lim=c(100, 700))



data.frame holding the template depth time series data.


number of days of depth time series data that should be simulated).

gaps, trate

Whether gaps should be introduced into the dataset according to the transmission rate (trate), in addition to any potential gaps in the template data set.

random_Depth, ref_Depth_lim, random_Depth_lim

Whether depth records from the template data set should be additonaly randomized. In this case, depth records >= ref_Depth_lim will be replaced by values between the limits of random_Depth_lim (i.e. in the default settings a record of >= 300 will be replaced by a value between 100 and 700 m).


Robert K. Bauer

See Also

dy_DepthTS, plot_DepthTS, plot_data_coverage


### load sample depth and temperature time series data from miniPAT:
# ts_file <- system.file("example_files/104659-Series.csv",package="RchivalTag")
# ts_df <- read_TS(ts_file)
# ts_df$Serial <- ts_df$DeployID
# head(ts_df)
# dy_DepthTS(ts_df) # plot original data
# ts_df_sim <- simulate_DepthTS(ts_df) # simulate data
# dy_DepthTS(ts_df_sim) # plot simulated data
# library(dplyr)
# meta <- rbind(ts_df[,names(ts_df_sim)],ts_df_sim) %>% 
#   group_by(DeployID, Serial, Ptt) %>%
#   summarise(, %>% 
# ts_list <- list(ts_df,ts_df_sim)
# names(ts_list) <- meta$Serial
# # plot data coverage
# plot_data_coverage(x = ts_list,type="ts", meta = meta)

convert depth and temperature time series data to discrete Time-at-Depth and Time-at-Temperature data (histogram data)


convert depth and temperature time series data to discrete Time-at-Depth (TaD) and Time-at-Temperature (TaT) data (histogram data) at user-defined breakpoints


ts2histos(ts_df, tad_breaks=NULL, tat_breaks=NULL, split_by=NULL, 
          aggregate_by="Ptt",min_perc, omit_negatives=TRUE)



dataframe of depth time series data. Obligatory columns are the numeric vector "Depth", "date" (of class Date) and "Serial". defines an optional vector to consider (e.g. day.period).

tad_breaks, tat_breaks

a numeric vector, defining the depth and/or temperature breakpoints of the histogram cells.


Name of the column with logical entries by which TaD/TaT data shall be splitted (e.g. daytime; see classify_DayTime.).


character vector defining the columns by which the tagging data should be aggregated. Should contain columns that identify tags (e.g. Serial, Ptt, DeployID) the date and/or day time period (to seperate records from night, day, dawn and dusk see classify_DayTime). Default values are: date, Day and Ptt.


optional number, defining the minimum data coverage (in percent) of histogram entries obtained from depth time series data.


treat negative depth and temperature records as 0 (default is TRUE).


Time-at-Depth and Time-at-Temperature fequencies (histograms) are a standard data product of archival tags (incl. tag models TDR-Mk9, PAT-Mk10 and miniPAT by Wildlife Computers) that allow to assess habitat preferences of tagged animals. It can be likewise generated from transmitted or recovered time series data sets, which is the purpose of this function.

However, different depth and temperature bin breaks are often used during different deployment programs, which makes a later comparitive analysis of TaT and TaD data difficult. For such cases, the functions combine_histos and merge_histos can be applied to merge TaT and TaD frequencies based on common bin breaks of different tags.

To visualize Time-at-Temperature (TaT) and Time-at-Depth (TaD) data, please see hist_tat and hist_tad, respectively.


A list-of-lists containing the loaded histogram data. Lists of TaD and TaT data are distinguished at the first nesting level. Further sublists include the bin_breaks and data.frames of the generated histogram data. The data.frames of the histogram data thereby also contain average (avg) and standard deviation (SD) of depth and temperature values that are likewise directly estimated from time series data, unlike read_histos-generated values that are estimated from the histogram data. The accuracy of latter estimates thus depends on the number and selection of bin breaks (see statistics-example in read_histos).

$ TaD:List
..$ merged : List of 2
.. ..$ bin_breaks: num
.. ..$ df : data.frame
.. .. ..$ DeployID
.. .. ..$ Ptt
.. .. ..$ datetime
.. .. ..$ date
.. .. ..$ Bin1
.. .. .. ..$ Bin? (up to number of bin breaks)
.. .. ..$ avg (average depth estimated!! from histogram data)
.. .. ..$ SD (average depth estimated!! from histogram data)

$ TaT:List
..$ merged : List of 2
.. ..$ bin_breaks: num
.. ..$ df : data.frame (with columns as above)


Robert K. Bauer

See Also

read_histos, hist_tad, merge_histos


### load sample depth and temperature time series data from miniPAT:
ts_file <- system.file("example_files/104659-Series.csv",package="RchivalTag")
ts_df <- read_TS(ts_file)

tad_breaks <- c(0, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 600, 2000)
tat_breaks <- c(10,12,15,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,27)

## example 1a) convert only DepthTS data to daily TaD frequencies:
ts2histos(ts_df, tad_breaks = tad_breaks)
# hist_tad(ts_df, bin_breaks = tad_breaks)
hist_tad(ts_df, bin_breaks = tad_breaks, do_mid.ticks = FALSE)

## convert 1b) only TemperatureTS data to daily TaT frequencies:
tat <- ts2histos(ts_df, tat_breaks = tat_breaks)
hist_tat(ts_df, bin_breaks = tat_breaks, do_mid.ticks = FALSE)
hist_tat(tat$TAT$merged, do_mid.ticks = FALSE)

## convert 1c) DepthTS & TemperatureTS data to daily TaD & TaT frequencies:
histos <- ts2histos(ts_df, tad_breaks = tad_breaks, tat_breaks = tat_breaks)
histos$TAD$merged$df$nperc ## check completeness of TAD data sets
histos$TAT$merged$df$nperc ## check completeness of TAT data sets
# histos <- ts2histos(ts_df, tad_breaks = tad_breaks, tat_breaks = tat_breaks,min_perc = 90)

## convert 1d) back-to-back histogram showing day vs night TaD frequencies:
ts_df$Lat <- 4; ts_df$Lon=42.5 ## required geolocations to estimate daytime
ts_df2 <- classify_DayTime(get_DayTimeLimits(ts_df)) # estimate daytime

ts2histos(ts_df2, tad_breaks = tad_breaks,split_by = "daytime")
hist_tad(ts_df2, bin_breaks = tad_breaks,split_by = "daytime", do_mid.ticks = FALSE)

## example 2) rebin daily TaD frequencies:
tad <- ts2histos(ts_df, tad_breaks = tad_breaks)
tad2 <- rebin_histos(hist_list = tad, tad_breaks = tad_breaks[c(1:3,6:12)])
hist_tad(tad, do_mid.ticks = FALSE) ## example for multiple individuals
hist_tad(tad$TAD$merged, do_mid.ticks = FALSE)
hist_tad(tad$TAD$merged, bin_breaks = tad_breaks[c(1:3,6:12)]) ## from inside hist_tad

unmerge previously grouped or merged lists of TAD/TAT frequency data


This function unmerges previously grouped or merged lists of TAD/TAT frequency data, and thus allows to add TAD/TAT lists from new tags (see combine_histos).





A previously grouped or merged list-of-lists to be unmerged (seperated by tags).


A list-of-lists of ungrouped/unmerged TAD and TAT frequency data.

$ TAD:List
..$ ID1 : List of 2
.. ..$ bin_breaks: num
.. ..$ df : data.frame
$ TAT:List
..$ ID1 : List of 2
.. ..$ bin_breaks: num
.. ..$ df : data.frame
..$ ID2 : List of 2


Robert K. Bauer

See Also

combine_histos, merge_histos, hist_tad


## example 1) read, merge and plot TAD frequency data from several files:
## part I - read histogram data from two files:
hist_dat_1 <- read_histos(system.file("example_files/104659-Histos.csv",package="RchivalTag"))
hist_dat_2 <- read_histos(system.file("example_files/104659b-Histos.csv",package="RchivalTag"))
## note the second list is based on the same data (tag), but on different bin_breaks

## part II - combine TAD/TAT frecuency data from seperate files in one list:
hist_dat_combined <- combine_histos(hist_dat_1, hist_dat_2)

## part III - force merge TAD/TAT frecuency data from seperate files 
# in one list, by applying common bin_breaks:
hist_dat_merged <- merge_histos(hist_dat_combined,force_merge = TRUE)

## part IV - plot merged data:
hist_tad(hist_dat_merged) # of all tags
unique(hist_dat_merged$TAD$merged$df$DeployID) ## list unique tags in merged list
hist_tad(hist_dat_merged, select_id = "15P1019b", select_from = 'DeployID') # of one tag

## part V - unmerge data:

update elementID of the leaflet map to avoid rendering issues in RMarkdown


This function updates the elementID of the leaflet map to avoid rendering issues when plotting the same map twice in RMarkdown.





a leaflet map


the same leaflet map with an updated elementIDs.


Robert K. Bauer

See Also



## only valid in RMarkdown chunks:
# kmz_file2 <- system.file("example_files/15P0986-15P0986-2-GPE3.kmz",package="RchivalTag")
# k2 <- get_geopos(kmz_file2)
# k0 <- k3 <- rbind(k1,k2)
# library(leaflet)
# map <- leaflet_geopos(k0, ID_label="DeployID", collapsedLayers = F)
# map
# map # plot again to show rendering issues (in the layer menu title)
## this is required to avoid rendering issues when plotting the same map twice via RMarkdown 
# map <- update_leaflet_elementId(map) 
# plot again with updated elementID:
# map %>% addMiniMap()